


I once read that getting pregnant is the single most unoriginal thing a woman could do. Of course that's true, but it doesn't stop millions of women from wanting it every day. And it doesn't stop me from wanting to get pregnant either. I strive for the unimaginative, what can I say?

In the 6 or so months that the hubs and I have been trying, I've gotten really good at making myself think I could be pregnant because I have indigestion, or my boobs hurt, or I have cramps, I'm moody, I'm breaking out, bloated, tired, hungry, thirsty, dizzy, gassy, have a funny taste in my mouth, am peeing more often than usual, more sensitive to odors... And then each month I am devastated to discover that I am, in fact, still unfruitful. I now believe that most women who claim it was these signs that proved to them they were pregnant were just hyperanalytical about their bodily changes while trying to conceive, and probably always had the same symptoms every month right before they started their periods, they just never paid close enough attention before to realize it.

At any rate, I am vowing to stop analyzing every feeling I have, mostly because it's driving me banana frickin sandwich trying to figure out if my right boob hurts more on the side or on the top, and what that means is going on in my uterus. I wouldn't be surprised if it was driving the hubs crazy either... But being a woman, I am naturally prone to being overly analytical, so this should prove to be a big challenge. Let's see how long it lasts.

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