

At Least it's not Monday

It does feel like Monday though. One of the perks about working at a bank is getting all the cool Federal holidays off - about 10 a year (and floating holidays when they land on a weekend). However, after getting used to extra days off every month towards the end of the old year and beginning of the new year, we have this 2+ month drought in spring that really sucks. And since yesterday was Presidents Day, that drought starts TODAY. Oh I cannot wait until Memorial Day...

Anyway, Valentine's weekend (yes I claim the whole weekend, much like how I claim my birthweek rather than just the one day) was, well, eventful. After getting into a huge fight on Saturday the hubs and I had dinner with the BIL and his wifey at Black Angus. I know, fancy right? And we had a coupon - even fancier! It was fun though, my SIL and I got a bit tipsy and after dinner (while the boys dozed off on the couch watching anime) she showed me the many joys and oddities that comprise Etsy. Including Courtney Love's page which, if you read it, will confirm for you that she is indeed still on drugs.

Sunday and Monday we did our part to boost the economy with the help of our tax return and a few super Presidents Day sales. We actually didn't spend very much, and I think we did pretty well! We ended up with a lot for our money, and now our little love bungalow is looking much more put together. We've been struggling to make our office look nice since we moved in, and I think it is finally starting to work. Monday morning the hubs and I revisited our Saturday fight, as is always recommended in healthy relationships, but at least felt better about everything afterwards this time.

Then more crap!! I discovered last night that I have a YI. This is BS. For about 3 years I'd get them regularly - every month during the summer, and occasionally throughout the year. I went to a few different doctors and tried lots of different remedies, including some weird herbal stuff (ironically I eventually found that Monistat 1 Day followed immediately by Monistat 3 Day works like a charm), and was generally miserable. Then about 2 years ago they miraculously tapered off. Nothing for over 1 and 1/2 years, until now. Ugh. So you can imagine that for me it's not just the YI - it's the fear that the cycle is going to start all over again. I'm going to try really hard not to be paranoid though, and just chalk it up to my lately inflamed sweet tooth and recent ingestion of large quantities of junk food instead.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I hate YI!! Hopefully this will be the only YI for a while...feel better soon sweetie! Next weekend will be better, Promise!


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