

Mass hysteria! Okay that might be stretching it...

Last Friday I thought I might be KU because I started spotting - 5 days before AF was due, and I'm thinking, hmmm... implantation?? But NO! AF showed her ugly face the very next day! And with a vengeance. So not only is my usually extremely regular period (can I throw any more modifiers in there?) more than 2 days early for the first time in YEARS, but I am on day 5 today and still going strong. Normally AF lasts me 7 days on the nose, so I should be starting to taper off by now but I feel like I'm still on day 3.

So I'm lightheaded from all the dang bleeding, I have no idea when it's going to stop, and I'm generally a bit worried about what's going on with me right now. Just goes to show ya, you never really know anything!

I made an appointment with my GYN next week to start moving forward on IF stuff, so at least I'll be able to ask him about the AF fiasco. I already had the pelvic ultrasound, so I'm not really sure what will happen next, maybe blood tests or something? Guess I'll find out in a week...


  1. Aww I am sorry AF showed up for you too!! I was really rooting for us!! : ) Have you gone through any IF treatments at all? Are you planning on going to an RE (reproduction endocrinologist)? In my opinion I got more out of the RE than the 3 different GYN's I went to.

    Regardless of where you go, they will probably start you on b/w and u/s and maybe go for an HSG to make sure your tubes arent blocked. I have been through it all so if you have any questions totally ask me!! I think I am actually moving on to IVF next...I cant take the constant dissapointment anymore : (

    Good luck at the dr's and let me know how it goes!!

  2. I have in-law issues as well, sound just like something my mother in law would do. Oh so thoughtful - but a little obvious!


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