

Good-bye, weekend

I've been playing around with my blog layout a lot lately, as you might have noticed. I'm still not quite happy with it, but since I don't have a lot of resources for making it pretty at work and I don't usually like spending too much time working on it at home, this will have to do for now.

Well, the girls-only snowboarding weekend was awesome! Although only two of us actually snowboarded, and only spent about 4 hours on the slopes, we all had a great time. We re-discovered that we have the combined maturity of a pack of 12 year old boys and spent most of the weekend laughing our arses off. Oh, and we also discovered that we cannot drive or navigate directions - no exaggeration, between the drive there and back we managed to veer off course about 6 times.

Anyhoo, I came home to an affectionate hubby who made enough progress on the fire pit to be able to use it (we haven't yet), mowed the lawn, and cleaned out part of the garage. What a man! I think we'll be enjoying it tonight.

In baby-making news, I am expecting AF around Friday. Once she gets here I have to call my doctor and have them schedule the HSG. And I am vowing not to look up the procedure any more because every time I do I get super creeped out and feel my uterus shriveling up inside me! *SHUDDER*

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