

Getting out of my comfort zone

I am pretty proud of me.

I mentioned a while back that hubs has a big group of friends, and that several of their wives/girlfriends are pretty tight too, but that I'm not one of those wives. There's one girl I've always gotten along with. She organized a girls night and sent me an invite about a week ago, but I hadn't responded. To be honest, I'm shy okay? I wasn't planning on going because I'm intimidated by all these fun, outgoing ladies who are already close friends, and I thought I would feel like an outsider.

Well this girl sent me a message on Tuesday saying she hoped I was coming, that it was going to be really fun, etc. But I told her no, that I had to get ready for Beer Festivus (which I do, I am WAY behind). Then I got to thinking, it was really nice of her to include me in this, and if I keep turning down invitations, A. I'm not going to be getting invitations anymore, and B. I will NEVER get to be friends with these ladies. Then hubs talked me into it, so I wrote her back and told her I'd be there.

So girls night was last night, and I have to say, I had a great time! The wine helped (and yes, I am paying for it today), everyone was really friendly and in a great mood, and I didn't feel intimidated or nervous at all (after my first glass).

I've been needing to do this for a long time, and hopefully now it will get easier and easier for me to make friends with them.


  1. I'm the same way when it comes to the hubb's friend's, wives. It's uncomfortable when you are with people and they are sharing "Remember when...?" stories and you have no clue what anyone is talking about. It gets better over time. :)

    Glad you were able to get out and have fun with the girls!

  2. I hate getting out of that comfort zone. I am happy you had a great time.

  3. Seriously, ARE we the same person? I just did the exact same thing last night! LOL After going back and forth for a week about whether to cancel out, I went. And had a really good time, too. GO US!!

  4. See...yeah!!! I am glad you went out with the girls. It is important to have girls night every once in a while. A few of my friends try and have one at least once a month...alternating homes or going to a bar.

    Us girls need that!!

    Did you ever get a chance to talk to those girls who were going through IF too?


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