

I would make a terrible doctor

Got my Rx, but I am still feeling like SHITE. I'm sure now that it's a YI after all, so my Rx is only going to make it worse (it's a cortisone foam). So I made an appt with my doctor for this afternoon. But if this day doesn't start getting better I may have to skip the doc and just go right for the Monistat.

We're having major system issues and my employees can't process their work AT ALL. Our ACH system (different dept) didn't process any transactions last night so now we have to send a bunch of those ACH transactions as wires, which means about 50-75 additional wires for my department. But we're just spinning our wheels waiting for answers from our vendors, and the IT person that we need is in a meeting... it's a mess. I really don't want to have to go to backup procedures but at this point... things aren't looking so good.

I need to relax. I am just so frustrated, bummed, and stressed right now. Not a good combo.


  1. I remember those banking days! Ugg.

    I hope you feel better Kitty.

  2. (((HUGS)))
    And anti-itch VIBES... I hope you feel better soon whether you end up going to Dr or just getting the monistat.

  3. Dang computers! And WHY is it that the IT geeks are always lurking around until you need them? What gives with that?

    Get something soon, itching is no fun!

  4. Ugh, I HATE it when work can't get processed! I work at a bank too so I understand the headaches that creates!!!

  5. Man that just adds on to your already crappy day! :( Hope you can get into the dr and get that YI taken care of ASAP!

  6. :( Hope you feel better soon, Kitty. I responded on WebMD, but just in case you don't see it -- try eating yogurt. The kind with live cultures. It's supposed to help with a YI.

    I've also read about women putting plain yogurt on a tampon and putting it up their hoo-hah for relief. IDK, but it might be worth some research....


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