

Careful what you wish for

Well, AF has made her appearance. I am officially on summer vacation now.

Yes, I'm bummed, and trying to keep myself from breaking through the wire room window and jumping off the balcony.

But I suppose I will turn my mind towards more productive things, like making plans for every single weekend this summer. What, you thought I was going to say I'd get some work done?? Hah! Right.

I'm wishing everyone else in the TWW better luck. And I'm raising a martini to those who met with the same fate I did this C.


  1. Awww Kitty... I'm so sorry she showed! (((HUGS)))

  2. ~Clink,Clink~


  3. AF sucks. I'm so sorry. Don't jump out the window. (((Hugs)))

    Since your old man costume didn't do the trick, I think I'm going to go with "high school crackwhore." AF seems to avoid them like the plague, yes?

  4. Aw I'm sorry! :( That stinks... Mine came last week too... sucky thing!
    My husband and I just made a list of what we wanted to do this Summer too.. we make one every year and cross things off as we do them... it's fun!: )
    What's on your list so far?

  5. I'm sure I'm with you! clink clink

  6. Allison - good call. I hope your costume works! Can I borrow it if it does?

    Katie - so far I'm thinking concerts in the park, trying a wine and food pairing thing, Greek festival (YUM!), and some baseball games. Trying to keep it cheap and local! What are you guys planning?

  7. I'm sorry Kitty! (the pic made me smile though)

    Clink, but mine's a full pot of hot Sake! :)

  8. Ohh Kitty that sucks. She found me today. I am raising my wine glass. (clink)


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