

My nose

It's doing funny things to me today.

I think someone is making popcorn in the break room (which is right behind me), but it smells like pee to me. YUCK! I just asked the pregnant chick across from me if she smelled anything, and she said no. She should have super-smelling powers. I guess that means I'm going crazy...

At lunch I went to a local burger place (ohhhh was that heavenly! And I got onion rings, and I'm not ashamed!). All I could smell was the arrangement of flowers sitting on the counter a few feet away from me as I ordered. They must have really good circulation in there.

I washed my mug this morning, then filled it with water, proceeded to drink from it, and I kept thinking I smelled and/or tasted soap while I was drinking. But if I sniffed it I didn't smell anything.

Pretty sure I smelled my own feet earlier today too, but that's not that unusual, especially with the shoes I'm wearing... Ewww... I'm gross!

I think my nose sometimes goes crazy right before AF shows up. A few months ago I swore I could smell the dirt in the little planters around the office. But for now I'll continue deluding myself into thinking it's a "sign."

Does AF sometimes trick you ladies like this too?


  1. Your funny! I know this is gross, but everytime I drink coffee and then go to the bathroom, I swear my pee smells like coffee. Weird I know.

  2. That's hilarious that you smelt the dirt! My husband always says I have super smelling powers. I smell everything. Sometimes I can tell what he had for dinner even after he brushes his teeth. I can even smell how many beers he had when he comes home from being out with the guys! But I don't think it is associated with AF. I hope it's a sign for you!!!

  3. Hmm, I've never paid attention to when in my C it happens, but yeah, I hate those days. The other ones I hate are where I could swear I taste mold in normal things that are not!

    I hope it's a sign of something better than af!!!

  4. Af tricks my like that every time! I'm on to her wicked ways.

  5. I hope your super smelling powers are a good sign!!!!

  6. Yes, it's the progesterone that your ovaries produce after ovulating. If you get pregnant that hormone keeps rising. It also plays a role in sexual desire. For me early pregnancy feels the same as PMS sometimes. Progesterone can make you feel exceedingly tired, almost exhausted, and a strong sense of smell, urination, and mood swings!

    Some women say that right before ovulation they have a strong sexual desire. It is the complete opposite for me. I am so not in the mood leading up to ovulation time. For me its usually the week before AF. ???

  7. LMFAO!!!!!

    Yes, my sniffer sometimes goes crazy before AF. But not *every* month, so I always convince myself that it's a sign. Uggggghh!! The mind games!

  8. ALWAYS! The same thing happens to me with smells. At home the other day I kept smelling soap in my glass and DH said I was imagining things. Whenever I smell things like that he always says maybe I have a brain tumor. LOL what a sweetheart.

  9. LOL you guys are funny, thanks for letting me know I'm not alone!!

    Erin - I'm like you - I want sex most right before my period too!

  10. You know, now that I think about it...I thought I got really bad BO before AF. Maybe its my nose is working in overdrive due to the prog.


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