

Things, life, whatnot...

(Sorry I am so boring (not to mention disjointed) lately. I guess I'm just really taking this whole "Summer Vacation" thing to heart!)

This has probably always been the case for me, but until TTC I never realized that I tend to have really vivid dreams during the 2ww. Last night I dreamt that a woman I know who recently had a baby was telling me she couldn't have kids. Even though it was obvious she'd given birth within the last few weeks. I got so upset I just turned around and ran away. I woke up in a terrible mood of course, but now I think it's a little funny. Can you imagine doing that in real life? Sometimes I'd like to just run away when people say stupid things!

It was a nice weekend. We spent Saturday at my friend Tracy's engagement party, which was lovely (mmmm tacos and margaritas!). On Sunday we went out to breakfast at our favorite joint, then went off to test drive an Audi (we're thinking of buying my friend's 2006 A4), and I fell in LOVE. It has power, it's comfy, it's pretty... I want it! :) But we'll see if we actually end up getting it. We capped off the weekend with dinner at the in-laws' last night. Very mellow, good times.

This little vacation has been good so far, I'm already feeling more relaxed about TTC, and looking forward (but not in any rush) to starting back up. I want to give it our best shot for a few months before moving on to the RE, so I've of course been starting to plan. I think I'll use OPKs religiously until we change insurance, keep up on the green tea, and be EXTRA CAREFUL to avoid any more lady part issues. I gotta tell you, that last one is the LEAST fun. I'm a fiend for carbs, and I've been majorly cutting back on sugar and refined/white flour. I no longer look forward to lunch because I don't get sandwiches anymore, and I hate salad! There are only so many wraps a girl can eat! Sigh... but if it works, it is totally worth it. Plus, I think I've lost a couple pounds already. Gotta look at the bright side, right?

Happy friggin' Monday.


  1. Sounds like you had a pretty great weekend Kitty! I think it would be tough to cut out carbs and sugars from anyone's diet...I suppose it's worth it if it keeps Yolanda away, right? I will eat a sandwich in your honor tomorrow. ;)

  2. I would love an Audi. *Sigh* That would be awesome if you got it! I hope that Yolanda stays away forever! Have a great week :)

  3. Good luck staying away from carbs and sugar. I don't think I could do it!

    Hope you get the car!

  4. I love shiny new things. :)

    Eating yogurt with the live cultures really helped my lady parts issues. Hope Yolanda goes away - and stays away.


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