

The results are in

Turns out I have a fine case of BV, not YI. That's good because I LOVE taking antibiotics. 'Specially the kind that make you wanna yack. And by the way, being examined on CD1 is in no way embarrassing or uncomfortable! (Was the sarcasm obvious enough there?)

When he gave me the diagnosis I told my doctor, "Geez, I'm wrong about everything!" He said, "Well, you always were kind of an enigma, so I've come to expect this kind of thing from you." Hmm... an enigma huh? That's exactly the description I was hoping would apply to my reproductive parts. :/

Sigh... so back on the antibiotics I go. He said if I'm still feeling off after finishing them he may want to try a round of systemic antifungal, so there's something of a backup plan in place too. All in all, I'm glad I decided to see my old doctor again. I didn't feel rushed, the staff is awesome, and bonus - he gives a discount to people who pay cash so it was even cheaper than I expected. So yeah, I feel pretty relieved overall. :)


  1. I hope you start feeling better soon!

  2. Dude. Those antibiotics better WORK!!!

    You should totally change your blog title to "My Enigmatic Hoo-hah." LOL! ;)

    Hey, do you and Kathryn accept guest authors on the "Don't Call Me Kate" blog? I have a vent that fits your theme.

  3. I'm trying not to ask a dumb question, but whats BV? Hope the antibiotics work and it clears up!

  4. Whew! Glad you are on the right track!!!!

  5. I hope that is what it is and its just not a guessing game your DR is playing. UGH and I thought only PG women got BV. LOL

  6. I hope you feel better soon.

  7. Glad you got some answers finally! Hope this antibiotic knocks it right out! :)

  8. Ugg, sorry about the BV. I had it once and all I can say is that it burned a lot during sex and I had some itching. Also, antibiotics cause me YI sometimes. Not sure if you want to take something for precautionary???

    Glad to hear that relief is right around the corner!

  9. Poor thing - hopefully you get some relief!


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