

I need to calm down!

I'm a blogaholic lately. And the worst part is I have nothing interesting to say! I apologize for that. I just need the release.

I got a call back from my doctor and he wants me to come in today. I got the last appt of the day, so I'm only missing 1 hour of work.

BUT, the damn doctor put a thought in my head last time I was there - that because the BV isn't responding so well to the normal antibiotics there's a chance that it could be an STD. WTF? He said something to the effect of, "I know you trust your husband, but we also see pregnant girls come in who swear they've never had sex before." I wasn't really worrying about it until right now! I started having a little anxiety attack earlier, and of course that though sprung into my head and made it 10 times worse! Luckily I took a Xanax in time and am feeling human again.

I have to remember that other than the doctor putting that seed of doubt in my head, that I've had no suspicions at all about hubs being unfaithful. And I know the doctor has to do what he can to narrow down the possibilities and make a diagnosis. This isn't the first time a doctor has freaked me out about possible STDs either, and of course, nothing ever came of it before. However I am starting to rethink my decision of going back to this doctor :P If I want to be insulted and abused I'd rather just pay my crappy co-pay and not full price out of pocket, thank you very much!

Anyway, I am so glad I'm seeing a shrink next week. And I'm starting to open up to the idea of getting back on meds for anxiety and depression, so we'll see about that. AND I can't wait for my vacation! Damn I need a break.


  1. I am so sorry that you have these worries going on in your head. I know how much that can ruin a beautiful day. Keep on blogging. That's what I am's all about the release.

  2. Kitty,

    An STD? What does he mean? He hasn't given you a PAP and already tested you for those things? They are supposed to automatically!!

    And just because you are getting infections does not mean you have STD; however, they DO need to find what IS wrong and fix it.

    Yes, I am with you. I would find another doctor. :-(

    BTW, I live in blog land too. I check the blogs and ttc board like at least 10 times a day. I am pathetic.

  3. E - He isn't my "regular" doctor (he used to be), and since my ins doesn't cover him, I am not sure if it will cover the lab work he orders, so he hasn't done a pap. I am due for one, but was going to have it done at my GP. But I think he will want to do it now so I need to call my ins and see if they'll cover it...

    And if you are pathetic, so am I! I'm on here and the boards all day too :)

  4. Calm the shit down girl ! I think what you have to say is very interesting.

    Geez, I really hope that they can figure out WTH is causing the BV...

    Also, I am happy that you are finally going to see the shrink next week. Medicated or not, we still love you :)


  5. OMG when we lived in FL we had a DR in the ER say that to DH while I wasn't with him. I was sooo pissed. It caused a huge fight b/t us. Try not to put much weight on it, they never know what they are talking about. How come you being resistant to that antibiotic isn't an option?

  6. Oh keep in mind they should treat your DH as could just be passing it back and forth.

  7. ((((CALM)))))

    I'm so sorry that your doctor is putting all these thoughts in your head! Really, where is his bedside manner? You just don't say that to a married woman out of the blue with no testing to back it up! Yes, it may be time for a new doctor indeed!

    (((HUGS))) I love you blog!!!

  8. Wowza! A big ol' phooey to that doctor!

    You're almost to vaca, you're almost to vaca....


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