

Monday, Monday

Still waiting on AF. We FDed last night and it gave me cramps (that ever happen to you?), so I'm assuming she'll be on her merry way any time now. I am determined not to be a sissy and to try my Diva cup this month, I still have to go buy some cleanser for it though. See what a procrastinator I am? :)

The Halloween party was great, and my 'zombie pinup' costume came out pretty well! I tore up an old dress and some fishnet stockings, learned an easy way to do my zombie makeup, and curled my hair then messed it all up. I was a hot piece of undead, let me tell ya. Hubs was impossible, I kept telling him all week to think of what he wanted to dress up as and he never did come up with anything. So after I was done with my costume I put his together too. He was also a zombie - I just tore up one of his work shirts, wiped fake blood all over him, and did his makeup. I think we looked pretty good. I forgot to steal a photo from our friend's FB, so I'll have to add it later.

ETA: I forgot about this little tidbit - at the party, the same woman was there who last year hounded hubs and me about why we didn't have children yet. We'd tried being polite but she was drunk and VERY persistent, so we finally told her we didn't want kids and that we just wanted to party. LOL She got pissed but it shut her up. Well, she started in on us again on Saturday night saying, "You guys are so cute, why don't you have a baby?" So I told her, "We're not ready for sex yet. We're saving ourselves for our 5th anniversary." This time she actually laughed and dropped it! I think I better start thinking up some comebacks for next year...

Other than the party we had a very mellow weekend. We had a TTC/money discussion at one point and basically came to the conclusion that we probably won't be doing any treatments for about two years. We're working on paying off debt and by then we should be debt-free if we keep up with it the way we have been. (Yeah, we have a lot of debt.) At that point I'll be 31, which isn't too bad. Until then, hopefully we can choose an insurance plan that covers IF diagnosis so at least we won't just be spinning our wheels. It's frustrating to have to wait that long, but on the other hand, at least it's a plan.

Is it time to go home now? I am ready to go back to bed!! Hope your Monday doesn't suck :)


  1. I can't wait to see a picture of you two dressed up for Halloween!

    Two years does seem like a long time but having a plan is always nice and you just never know!

  2. So happy that you had fun at your party !

  3. LMAO at your comeback to the lady with the baby questions!! That is too funny!!

  4. Looking forward to seeing that picture - sounds like a great costume.

    Definitely try the diva cup. They're great.

  5. I was so tempted to try a diva cup (or mooncup thingy they have over in Australia) but I'm scared!!

    Can't wait to see your pics of your costumes.


  6. I love how it's called a "Diva cup". I wonder if Mariah Carey uses one every month... hmmm..

    And i love love love your comeback to that nosy girl. You are so witty, Kitty!


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