

Now I'm just babbling

I think God is doing me a favor and making me realize when I go to the doctor about the LAP that I'm actually not lying. Although my period pain is definitely not as bad as some of yours, I believe it is worse than most women's.

I guess since I've dealt with it for the past 15+ years I just assumed it was normal to have cramps so bad you can't walk, or that wake you up at 3 a.m., or that you can feel all the way through to the outside of your abdomen. To feel nauseous and dizzy and almost pass out (and sometimes actually pass out) because you're so light-headed from the loss of blood. To occasionally have bowel pain for the entire week leading up to AF, and cramps after she leaves...

So, I decided all that stuff is not normal! I'm over the guilt, I'll just tell my doctor all that stuff, and if he doesn't request the LAP for me, I'll find another doctor. Right? Right.

Anyway. My spirits are lifted on this fine October the 1st because today is officially the start of the 4th quarter! Fourth quarter is always the best because there are FIVE paid holidays during these three months. Next weekend is a three-dayer thanks to our pal Columbus. AND both Christmas and New Year fall on Fridays this year. Gotta love that! Now to make it through all those pesky work days in between...


  1. That definitely does not constitute as "normal" period pain. Good lord girl. That sounds horrible.

  2. I was going to point out something similar to tha ton your last post, but I couldn't think of how to word it.

    Those who live with ongoing pain may think that it's not "that bad" when it's really waaay worse than it ever should be. I hope your dr cooperates with the Lap!

  3. I think most women think it is "normal" to have AF, we are women, we just deal with it. I was the same exact way but one day Dh really saw how bad it was for me. He became my eyes for me. Start writing down all your symptoms on a calender, take it to your dr. with you. I wish I would have had my Lap sooner...


  4. I agree with Erin. That doesn't sound normal at all! I'm so glad your guilt is gone and now you can just focus on taking care of yourself!

    When do you go see the doctor?

  5. My mom, who had a complete hysterectomy at age 29 b/c of severe endo, always told me to that girls who "called out sick" because of period pain were pansies.

    So I used to think I was just a wus. Turns out, my mom was dealing with her own emotional baggage and didn't intend for me to feel that way. Talk to your doc about the lap. You deserve relief.


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