

Something to piss you off

I stumbled across this blog this evening. Don't go there unless you're in the mood to be REALLY ticked off:

This woman sounds like a real moron, and more than a little off her nut.


  1. Wow...seriously? That is one offensive blog. I don't even really know what to say. The last poster on there said it all, i think!

  2. "Just buy the sperm at your nearest sperm bank, purchase an egg from your local egg dealer, and rent a surrogate womb. And in 9 months, bring home a baby without a pregnancy, without even a dent in your schedule!"

    Yeah cause IVF works every time right? And it's just really that easy to get knocked up! I never knew that you could do made to order pregnancies - dammit I've been missing out!

    This woman is seriously off her nut...and worst of all she managed to procreate!!

  3. That woman is an idiot. I love the last comment she got. The woman put her in her place and no one came back to refute it.

    She's trying to protect children? Try going to houses with domestic abuse and the like. Take those kids and give them to people who will raise them properly.

    I just hope this woman has no children of her own. She probably has 6 of them, all conceived on the first cycle. Bah!

  4. I'm curious what her motive is. Does she feel like God put her on this earth to advocate for children born to parents who wanted them so badly that they endured physical and emotional heartache to concieve them? Wierdo.

  5. I'm rather speechless. She seems pretty angry to me. And very un-educated...or like you said a LITTLE MORE THEN OFF HER NUT...

  6. She must be a scientologist! lol.

  7. wow I am totally pissed right now!! Grrrrrrrrr


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