

The Tops

Thank you to Steph and Rain for this award! I do what I can for the little people, and it's nice to be acknowledged. ;) Hahaha.

By the way, I am in love with that image. Too cute!

On with the show.

1. You Can Only Use One Word
2. Pass this along to 6 of your favorite bloggers
3. Alert them that you have given them this award
4. Have Fun!

The Fun Part
1. Where is your cell phone? Hidden
2. Your hair? Shorter
3. Your mother? Logical
4. Your father? Emotional
5. Your favorite food? ...Undecided
6. Your dream last night? Vivid
7. Your favorite drink? Tea
8. Your dream/goal? Motherhood
9. What room are you in? Purgatory
10. Your hobby? FD ;)
11. Your fear? Dark!
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Minivan (symbolically!)
13. Where were you last night? Couch
14. Something that you aren’t? Romantic
15. Muffins? Muffintop?
16. Wish list item? BFP
17. Where did you grow up? Beach
18. Last thing you did? Managed
19. What are you wearing? Glasses
20. Your TV? Heavy!
21. Your pets? Meowzer
22. Friends? There
23. Your life? Emotional
24. Your mood? DONE
25. Missing someone? Nope
26. Vehicle? Sammy!
27. Something you’re not wearing? Straightjacket
28. Your favorite store? Target
29. Your favorite color? Teal
30. Last time you laughed? Marilyn
31. Last time you cried? Wine
32. Your best friend? Hubs
33. One place that you go to over and over? Freeway
34. One person who emails you regularly? SIL
35. Favorite place to eat? Mom's!

You ladies are next! Thanks for keeping me entertained with your stories while I'm stuck at my wretched job all day.

Yep, I'm picking all pg ladies (even though some have already been nominated):








  1. Thanks sweetie :) I will put it on my blog when I have a chance this weekend!

  2. That was fun!

    So, are you going to share the gossip of what happened on the board with those of us who don't frequent? I'm CD2 (& feeling kinda mean) & could use a good laugh at pointless gossip.


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