

Our tree

Ta-daah! Here is our Christmas tree. We decided to put it up today since we've had it since Sunday, and I didn't want to wait until after the lap. Plus now I'll have something pretty to look at while I'm stuck on the couch! Sadly our new curtains make a horrible backdrop, especially since I have yet to re-hang the rod and they're too high off the floor. But what can you do? I promise they look better in person.

I've had all the ornaments since before hubs and I moved in together, and we are slowly accumulating more personal ornaments. But even after all these years I still really like my red, white and sparkly decorations. We don't have a topper yet, but we're planning on buying one this year.

Okay I need to head off to bed! I'll post in a day or two with a lap update. I hope they give me (or hubs) some info right afterwards. Good night!


  1. I think it looks really good! I love the backdrop too!

    Goodluck today, I will be thinking about you.

  2. Good luck with the lap Kitty - keep us posted as soon as you feel better!

  3. Pretty tree! I like using ribbon too, though I didn't use any this year.

    Praying all goes well with the lap.

  4. oooh, it's beautiful. I do a gold and burgundy theme on my tree too!!! Good work Kitty!

  5. WOW thats georgous!!! I wish my tree looked that nice! :)

  6. Good Luck Kitty! And a speedy recovery!!

    Your tree is so pretty!!!

  7. Your tree is beautiful!! I really need to get mine put up.

    Good luck tomorrow!!

  8. I've been thinking of you today...hope things went well and you are getting some much needed rest!

    ((gentle hugs))


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