


We are at that stage of my cycle that my friend/self-designated "conception coach" (she just wants to have a title), Katherine, calls POSITIVE OVULATION!! And yes, it has to be in all caps, with multiple exclamation points.

I was going to use OPKs this C, but then I sorta forgot. Or just didn't. Oops. No matter, we've been DTD every other day-ish until yesterday, when I decreed that we will now do it every day until Saturday, as I usually O around CD16 or 17. I have a feeling I'm going to be SORE. One day down, 5 to go; just thinking about it wears me out!

My New Year's resolution seems to be working so far, five whole days into 2010! The Wii has gotten some use, although I did slack last night. But for good reason - I was catching up with a friend on the phone until hubs got home, and then the two of us were out running errands until 8:30. I can already feel myself coming out of my fog a little. I'm making a point to think about things other than TTC, spending less time sitting on my butt, making a conscious effort to call up my friends and schedule time to see them, and doing things I actually enjoy (like making kitchen curtains!). I knew I was depressed, but now that I'm starting to see the light I realize that I miss my old self! I'm not unrealistic; I know it's not going to be easy to maintain a happier disposition, but it's like I finally have the desire and energy to try.

So tonight - no slacking allowed! I'm going to jump on the Wii Fit as soon as I get home and do at least 30 minutes of exercise. I wanna do the hula hoop one until I forget what it is I'm keeping my mind off of!


  1. Depression is a *itch, yeah? I hate it!

    I am hoping with all hope that you get a bfp this cycle.

  2. Sounds like you are having a good month ;)!!

    I want the Wii fit too but I know I couldn't use it just yet.

  3. Oh my gosh - if you hula hoop on your Wii, it won't take long for you to forget everything! That's a workout for sure!!!

  4. Ugh, do I know that feeling all to well. BDing every other day for (what is it) like a week. around day 3 I'm just so tired of it.
    I think your kitchen curtains are gorgeous!

  5. Stick to the Wii, I really want one! Thats awesome that you have an O coach! I want one!! Yeah, DTD EOD does make you tired, but it has its benefits ;)

  6. Woooohooo!! Go Kitty, go!

    PS, your house is beautiful. :)

    PPS, the word verification is, I kid you not, "prohos."

    PPS, I'm thinking about changing the title of my blog now.

  7. I really like this bloggity this day, and just wanted to tell you that.


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