

The first first date

Yesterday (or possibly last Tuesday) was the 7th anniversary of hubs' and my first first date! We never celebrate it so we can never remember what day it's on, and actually it didn't even occur to either of us until I thought about it today.

So in honor of this occasion, I give you Our Story (and by default also the explanation behind "first first date").

Aaron and I have technically known each other since I was 5 and he was 6. We went to the same elementary, middle and high schools, and furthermore our younger brothers were BFFs in elementary school. But did we ever speak to each other, even one time, in those 13 years? NOPE. That was fine by me because I thought he was a punk, and he thought I was weird. Well, turns out we were both right, but that's neither here nor there. ;)

One fine evening when I was 22 years old I was out with some friends (at a bar, naturally) and in walks Aaron, his right arm in a cast. Just the way I remembered him from school! That kid had more broken bones than anyone I know, and the one he walked into the bar with was the 5th for that arm. He pointed at me from the doorway and said, "I know you!" Yep, that was his sexy pickup line, and I was hooked. He couldn't remember my name, but he knew who I was and he was hot, so that was enough for me! We went on our first first date one week later - a movie and drinks. ...And some making out. Yeah, I know I'm classy.

Although neither of us was looking for a relationship we found one anyway. Unfortunately, Aaron wasn't quite over the damage his long-term ex GF left him with and after a year of dating we broke up. He still wanted to see me "casually" and I said NO WAY. I considered us over and I moved on, dated someone else for a while, and never looked back.

At least, not until the day we ran into each other in a department store almost a year later. I remember immediately breaking into a cold sweat and thinking, "Damn, he's still cute!" We chatted awkwardly about who knows what for a few minutes and then parted ways. I was still dating the other guy at the time, though things were beginning to get rocky.

Then Aaron started sending me emails from time to time. Nothing much, usually just funny jokes and pictures. We worked up to exchanging short notes every couple of weeks or so. Then he asked me out to lunch, as "friends." Little did I know he was getting advice from a female friend on how to win me back! So I agreed, thinking it was harmless, and we went out to lunch a couple times. The second time being just days after breaking up with the other guy. As soon as I told him the other guy was out of the picture, Aaron jumped at the chance and asked if he could see me again. Our second first date was on May 23rd, 2005. He took me to a Dodger game, and we got on the JumboTron!

And we now have a total of three aniversaries: The first first date, the second first date, and the wedding. So in case we forget one or two, we always have a backup any given year ;)


  1. Love it! Jason and I have our confusing "first" date issues too. LOL! But I like having all the anniversaries...we even have a sexiversary LOL!

  2. I'm pretty sure it was May 22nd. I still have the ticket stub in my truck, so I'll go check. Love ya!

  3. lol...I'm taking it that Anonymous was Aaron? I'm still loving the post and hearing your love story...

  4. He's right, it was May 22nd! That's why I married him, he remembers stuff ;)

  5. Awww i love that he has it in his truck!

  6. My goodness...what a sweet story! So adorable. I am so happy that you two found each other! Happy Anniversary!

  7. Aww, how cute ;) It was meant to be.

  8. Awww, that was so sweet! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Huh, I couldn't tell you the date of our first date. Except that it was sometime in May and before mother's day. Because I went shopping with him to get the gift. But I love your story!

  10. even though i already know the story, it's cute and fun to read. Having watched your relationship and thinking it's crazy that we never became friends doing all that madness. We have been in each others lives since i was 18, but not until i was 25 could i call you my friend AND sister-in-law... were such silly gals.


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