

Show and Tell: Von Ruxpin

Tonight is Martini Wednesday, and I may (or may not) be the tiniest bit tipsy as I type this.

Hubs is currently on his way to Gr.ill to pick up some dinner, and I am left to my own devilish devices. Yes, I do realize, even in my semi-drunken state, that it's a bit sad for my devilishness to extend only to participating in show and tell. Whatever. Deal with it.

I also realized shortly after deciding to participate that I might not have anything particularly interesting to share for show and tell. And even if I did have an interesting photo to share, I may not have anything interesting to say about it. So I went with it. I opened iPhoto and chose the first pic that looked good to me. Here it is:

What you see above is known in some very small circles as the Von Ruxpin Breakfast Sandwich. Hubs and I came up with it one fine Sunday morning when we wanted something yummy for breakfast, but only had 2 eggs, some bacon and a couple hamburger buns. I thought an egg fried in a pan on its own wouldn't quite fit on the tiny bun, so I pulled out my teddy bear cookie cutter and cooked the egg inside of it. And viola! Delicious AND adorable! Right?

(Note: if you attempt to make a Von Ruxpin of your own, I highly recommend applying some non-stick spray to the cookie cutter prior to frying the egg. Also, and this is pretty obvious, a metal cookie cutter is probably your best bet!)


  1. ha! i love it -- i do hope it doesn't talk in that weird voice teddy r. had, though.

  2. I love the picture and I'm sure I would love the breakfast too ! :)

  3. Mmmmm - looks like a perfect breakfast. Hope your meal from Mac. Grill was good and you had a great Martini Wednesday!

  4. OMG, I love it! That is so funny.

  5. I am so copying your idea for breafast Sunday morning. I have heart cookie cutters.

  6. Yay for Martini Wednesday! =)

    the Von Ruxpin is almost too adorable to eat!

  7. I never thought I'd think an egg sandwich would be cute, but it totally is!

  8. LOL! I love that!

    I remember the doll, I never had one, but thought they were cool. :)

  9. Yum! That looks good enough to eat!!! Yes, metal cutters do work best while frying, I learned that the hard/funny way!

  10. Heehee! Love it! And hope your martini(s) was good!


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