

Ants in my pants

In about one hour, my weekend will have arrived! Provided no crazy issues pop up between now and then...

Why do I get a three day weekend, you ask? Because I'm leaving tomorrow for my friend S's bachelorette weekend wine tasting extravaganza! S is the fiancee of one of hubs's friends, so there are going to be a lot of ladies there from that group. Which means there's a bit of a nervous tinge to my excitement. I do consider those ladies to be my friends too, but I'm not particularly close with any of them. We get together as a group about once a month for girls' night, but I don't call them up to chat or go shopping with them or anything like that. BUT!! In my effort to become a more outgoing, friendly person, I am determined to push my shyness aside and have a GREAT time this weekend!

Hmm... not much else to say at the moment. I'm all wound up so I can't even be clever, how sad is that? I'm just sitting here all antsy, checking the clock every 2 minutes and waiting for it to be 4:30 already!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Ooooh! Have a great time!

    I am sure the wine will loosen you up ;)

  2. Have a great weekend! I love wine tastings, so it sounds like fun!

  3. Sounds fun. I hope you have a great weekend! I would have never pegged you as shy one, you seem like you have a very outgoing attitude! Have fun!!

  4. Have fun! :) Enjoy "girl time"!!!

  5. Have fun girl!!! I'm so jealous! Its hard for me to believe you are shy. LOL I expect a full report on Monday!

  6. Sounds like it's going to be a great weekend - enjoy it!

  7. Know what I'm finding? Some of the best times are with people who are just chillin' and hangin' out for the sake of chilling and hanging out. No drama, no history. Just drinks and laughs.

    Have a FABULOUS time!!


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