

Drumming my fingers...

Did I get a + OPK last night you ask? Why, no. No I did not. I'm still getting almost positives, but they seem like they've all been the same shade for the past 3 days. I'll keep testing but I'm starting to get annoyed!! You see, this is why I don't temp, even OPKs drive me batty and I usually only use them a few days out of the month!

^J^ to answer your question, I am taking B vitamins because I think my LP is on the short side, and B6 is supposed to help lengthen it. Plus I get the added bonus of the B complex helping reduce my anxiety. You can see how well THAT'S working out, though... ;)

Something wacky is going on with my guts the past few months. I'm really hoping it's just my crappy diet finally catching up with me, but I'm a tiny bit concerned it could be related to my lap. At least twice since the lap (in Dec) I've gotten this stabbing pain throughout my lower abdomen/pelvic region, front and back (but it seemed to radiate from my, er... lower digestive tract, to put it delicately). It happened going home from work last night and it about killed me; sitting down was the worst, which was really inconvenient seeing as I was driving. Thankfully it pretty much went away after half an hour or so, then this morning there was some... um... unpleasantness which may have been related. It's just very strange. I'm going to keep track of what I've been eating and what time of the month it is when it happens from now on.

Hey! It's Thursday! Only one more day of waking up before dawn until the weekend...


  1. I wonder what the heck is up with your guts - that's an unusual sensation to have; hopefully it's not related to the lap.

    I'm jumping on the weekend train as well - I'd have paid a pretty healthy sum to be able to go back to bed this morning!

  2. Are you going to call your doctor? I would, that sounds a little scary and annoying. Nothing worse then digestive problems. Blah.
    When I would do OPK's I would seriously get positives for a week. They would start out faint and then a definite, and then they just wouldn't go away. I mentioned this to my RE and she didn't say anything.

  3. Have you tried different brands to see which one works better for you? I tried different brands and I took them twice a day, in the afternoon then again at night. I would lay them all out by day for about a week then I could determine what day I O'd. LOL..kind of stupid huh?

  4. Is that pain primarily around o? My sides *hurt* and have radiating pain/soreness around o time. I am very bloated and gassy too. Maybe it's connected to that?

  5. I friggin' hate OPKs. So frustrating.

    If the pain keeps up, go see a doc about it.... :(

  6. I hate opk's & bbt's! I never had any luck with either of those things. Grr!

    Thanks for the answer on the b6.

    Hope that pain goes away, but if not you might want to get it checked out.

  7. I hate the waiting game, it sucks! Here's hoping you get the +opk soon! I'd just call the doc about your pains, better safe then sorry!

  8. I hate opks! Why can't they come up with a yes or no system to those? Instead of "is this line darker? maybe if I hold it upside-down, in blue lighting, closing one eye..."

    I hope your "tummy" feels better soon. Ummm, maybe it's gas? Or a hard poo? Do you eat regular amounts of fiber? (sorry to sound like dh's gramma!) I hope you can get it figured out soon, GI issues are so not fun!


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