

Happy for them...

It's a good thing I brought my "optimism" tea today. (By the way, I was wrong, the "synergy" tea is the peppermint/licorice one, the optimism one is more earthy and floral. It's really tasty though.)

My older brother texted me last night, but I missed it because I was making dinner. I just got the text this morning. It says that he and his wife are expecting baby #2 in October.

I really am happy for them. I know they wanted two kids and I was as prepared as I could have been to get the news sooner or later. And I'm really grateful that he told me via text and not a big announcement at a family gathering or something.

But you know how it is, I'm sad for me. And I don't think this optimism tea is helping. I think I'll get a second cup...


  1. Even though we prepare ourselves, it still sends us into a state of why not me. Hang in there, your time will come ! ((((HUGS)))

  2. :( sorry.

    It is so hard to hear sometimes.

  3. ((hugs))

    I know it is hard sometimes...I am glad he texted the news so your reaction could be honest. It's hard to hide the sting in front of others.

  4. Kitty, I don't think a whole box of the tea would help me today so I'm sending all my (((HUGS))) to you!

  5. UGH yeah thats really hard to hear, better to text than call. Its really hard for me to "fake" being happy for others sometimes in person. I'm not sure if that tea will do the trick (((HUGS))) Let me know if it does b/c I def need some.

  6. I agree - a text message lets you react in the way that comes to you rather than you having to try to mask it. I hope the tea helps, but it's kind of big news to absorb...

  7. Maybe the tea mixed with those white russian's(you're always drinking) will do the trick!

    Sorry about your brother's news. I know you are happy for him, but I know how others news makes one feel crappy. So (((Big Hugs))) coming your way...Are they there yet? Can you feel them?


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