

March (and April, May, June, July & August) Madness

As you're aware (or at least, as I've mentioned before, since it would be rather presumptuous of me to expect you to remember every minute detail that I post about my life), I'm a bridesmaid in 2 upcoming weddings, both of which are in August, 2 weeks apart.

In case you didn't know, that means both of these weddings are a mere 5 months away.

It's funny, when one is asked to be a bridesmaid in one wedding, one realizes that there are certain obligations that go along with the honor - the dress, the hair, the parties, the gifts - and all of these obligations require preparation, planning and of course, money. But when one is asked, one thinks of all of these things as taking place in the fuzzy, abstract future. And one is apt to think one will have plenty of time to "save up" for these expenses.

When one is asked to be a bridesmaid in a second wedding, one is so excited that one was asked once again (should I knock it off with the "ones" now? Gotcha, will do) - Ahem - I was (and still am) so excited and honored to be asked, that, although I did realize my expenditures will now be doubled, as will the fullness of my schedule in the coming months, I was willing, even eager, to overlook the obvious stress that being in two weddings, two weeks apart, will doubtless create.

Well, the madness has officially begun and the blinders are OFF. Of course I'm still just as happy to be a part of both weddings, only now I'm a bit stressed too. (Did I mention that between now and August we're also invited to three other weddings and a Bat Mitzvah? Or that almost every member of my local family, including myself, will be celebrating birthdays too?) I'm going to have to get myself a planner because I have a feeling the next few months are going to be pure, uncut Colombian insanity, and with my shoddy memory I'm likely to forget to attend a bridal shower or rehearsal dinner or to wish my husband a happy anniversary or something.

In fact, I think I might just pick one up on my lunch break. And right after that I'll be using office hours to find a very inexpensive location to host an engagement party in 3 weeks... That's totally doable, right??


  1. This post cracked me up!!! And it reminded me of the summer I got married. In addition to my wedding, there were four other weddings we were invited to (in a five month space, plus several baby showers, and a funeral. Oh, and we moved! So, I know how you feel.

    Get a calendar, but remember to schedule some time for you and DH to relax and have fun!!!

  2. Wow! You are going to be one harried girl! I hope you are able to thoroughly enjoy the madness. ;)

  3. Wow you are going to be very busy!!!As much as I love weddings I would be very stressed. Good luck!!

  4. Oh this sounds too chaotic for me, and keeping up with TTC. Forget it! LOL

  5. LOL! I can relate! One year I was in four weddings within five months, my husband was in two of those and we bought a house in the process. Needless to say there was no vacation that year! We spent well over $2000 on dresses, tex rentals, shoes, hair... and that doesn't include gifts and travel to each of these weddings, and I threw a shower by myself for my best friend... it was a lot of fun, a lot of work, and a lot of money, and now I'm tired just thinking about it!

    You will do it though, and it will all work out! You are fun and creative, so I know you and your hubs will have a great time in the upcoming months!

  6. I agree with Misty too chaotic for me.

    Good luck Kitty and don't lose your mind ;) hopefully they will serve lots of free drinks!

  7. Sounds like you'll be having tones of fun this summer!

  8. The year I got married, I was in a wedding 3 months after mine! It was insane!

    Good luck keeping it all organized!

  9. Have fun with that! Sounds like a crazy busy summer. The day planner will be needed.

    My bridesmaids got off EASY, my parents paid for the dresses! (the only other wedding i was in was little sis')


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