

That'll teach me

I completely forgot to check my calendar before going home last night, and that's the LAST time I'm going to let that happen! I drove to work thinking that something was going to go horribly wrong today, but I didn't know what. Then, when I got to my desk, I checked to see what was on the docket... and it's my anniversary luncheon. With the head of HR and the CEO and about 20 other employees of various rank. And guess whether I'm: a. Wearing the ugliest, most non-AVP-looking outfit of all time, b. Out of dress code, or c. All of the above. That's right - C!

Lucky for me I have the most AWESOME, AMAZING, SEXY husband ever, who is definitely going to get some hot action tonight (are you reading this, honey??) for agreeing to drive the 25 miles each way to bring me a different outfit on his day off!

Whew! Seriously, I am thanking my lucky stars right now for him!


  1. You are so, so lucky that he's willing to bring you a new set of clothes! Hope you have a great luncheon and reward him appropriately! ;0)

  2. What a great husband! Hope your luncheon was nice. Sorry I've been mia, our computer is driving me crazy and so is that new webmd format.

  3. What a great hubby!!! Good luck at your review!!!

  4. What a great husband! Isn't wonderful being married to a supportive guy?

    I hope all goes well tonight with the wild FD time!!

  5. That is a great husband! I hope you had a great day in your fabulous clothes.


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