

How it went

Okay, I'm back. My appointment wasn't exactly what I was expecting... although I don't really know exactly what I was expecting...

The doctor was nice, although, again, not exactly what I was expecting! LOL During the consultation he strongly recommended that I see an RE for more testing. He said especially since my mom and sister started perimenopause at 38, that there are more tests that can determine how many more reproductive years I may be looking at. He would also like hubs to have an RE re-evaluate his swimmers, since, he said, some labs tend not to look as closely at them as an RE would. Which I wouldn't be surprised to learn, given our crummy HMO.

Honestly, though, being referred to an RE kind of threw me for a loop. I know this place works closely with some RE's in the area, so I don't know why I was surprised. By no means was he pushy about it, he said talk it over with hubs, it's entirely up to us, we don't have to decide right away, etc. So I'll be talking to hubs about that tonight. He did also say that he thinks TCM will be great for me. But no big revelations or anything.

On with the show. The actual needling wasn't bad at all. He used about 6-10 pins total at various points on my ankles, legs, arms, and one on my belly. I felt a very tiny prick when he first inserted them, and then nothing at all as long as I stayed still. (I wiggled my toes once and felt one on my ankle for a second.) He also did moxabustion, which apparently is supposed to be helpful for endo. Basically it looks like a tiny square piece of cardboard with adhesive on one side and what looks like a quarter inch of a stick of incense sticking out of the other. He lit several and stuck them on my legs and tummy too. That was the only somewhat painful part - I had to tell him when it started to get hot so he could take them off, and I may have waited a tiny bit too long a couple of times! Oops. No burns or anything, it just got hot! At the end he told me he would normally recommend herbs, but since I'm still waiting for AF that we'll hold off on those until next week. Oh, but he did tell me that Royal Jelly was a great supplement, and also suggested green-foods supplements like spirulina or chlorella (blue-green algae I think?).

So what's the verdict? Well, nothing huge! I do feel less tense and anxious than before I went in, less depressed too. And I just noticed my neck is noticeably less sore than it was earlier, so that's pretty darn cool. I'll be going back again next Tuesday; hubs and I unofficially decided to commit to about 6 months, and I want to give it a fair shot.

I guess that's about it unless you have questions :)


  1. hmm...I think it's weird that he wants you to see an RE, but again I am not 100 percent familiar with the extent you have "researched" your body. I think you've pretty much had all the testing done and had surgery, too.

    hmmm...IF sucks!

  2. I'm so glad it went well! I would like to know how you feel in the days to come as well. Are the effects supposed to carry over to the days to come?

    I think you previously mentioned that the reason you haven't gone to a RE is cos insurance... Are you reconsidering now? If you're taking votes, mine is for seeing a RE and deal with debt later :) That is, if there is still a need to...

  3. That sounds really neat. I read that moxibustion put in between the toes can turn a breech baby too. I looked into it but opted for a chiro.

    Hopefully it will start working fast and you will notice a difference.

  4. Sounds interesting... glad your neck is feeling better!

    I'm kicking AF's ass to stay away from you, hon. Hope it does the trick. (((Hugs)))

  5. Good to hear, I was curious about how it went for you. Interesting to hear about the Royal Jelly, I never did get any, perhaps I should give it a go.

  6. This sounds like an interesting process. But if you're happy with it, I'd stay stick with it. Especially if it makes you less anxious, I think we could all use that.


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