

Super trooper

Who has two thumbs and is a real trooper?

This girl (*thumbs pointing at herself*)!

I spent all day yesterday with what I believe to be food poisoning. Actually, I am still suffering its effects, and will most likely be going home early seeing as I can't stand up for more than a couple minutes without feeling like I'm going to fall over. Sitting up is marginally easier. Yesterday was hellacious; I will spare you the details. Suffice it to say I spent the day alternating between the bed, the couch, and the toilet. I had a very filling dinner of saltines, 3 apple slices, and half a ginger ale. Try not to be jealous of my gourmet lifestyle. ;)

But when, on my last trip to the loo before bedtime, I saw EWCM, I girded my loins, whipped out the PreSeed and told hubby to get prepped for BD. That's right, I'm a trooper. Or an idiot. I'll leave that distinction up to you.

At least I can take tonight off.

And now, I am going to try to stay awake long enough to get some work done. Wish me luck.


  1. LMFAO... "Get ready, damnit. As soon as I'm done barfing, I'll be all over you for 30 seconds until I have to barf again."

    Feel better!!

  2. I hope you feel better! That's gotta be one of the worst feelings. Hope you get to go home early too.

  3. You are quite the trooper! I admire that quality.

    I hope this nastiness leaves you soon. Food poisoning is no fun!

  4. Hey Girl,

    Last C was your first on Clomid right? That same thing happened to me except I thought I was having appendicitis. I even had a CT Scan just to reveal cysts on my ovaries, so they assumed one ruptured. It was also the C after my first C on Clomid, but I didn't take Clomid on the 2nd C. I hope that is what you are experiencing so you can get that BFP soon. BTW those symptoms will last for a couple of weeks if it is a cyst leaking or burst. . .

  5. I can't believe you BD when you were so sick - I wouldn't have been able to! Hope you start feeling better soon...

  6. LOL OMG. You poor thing!! Feel better soon.

  7. Awww, so sorry you are feeling completely awful, but you go get 'em girl!! Way to take one for the team!!!

  8. OMG>> I'm laughing so hard right now. First at what you wrote, then what Allison wrote. You made my day, I'm sure that was your goal right...

    Hope you are at least feeling better today!

  9. I would go with trooper cuz thats what you are. I hope this leads you to a positive, imagine that future story for your family.

    Glad your feeling better.

  10. You really are a trooper! =)

    Hope you are feeling a little better today...

  11. hahaha...that's on one of my favorite episodes of the office! (the two thumbs part). You ARE a trooper!


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