

I think I found my RE

I can't believe I haven't mentioned this here yet, but last week I was doing some research on RE's, and I discovered that the doctor that my gyn referred me to (twice actually, but before I had any IF insurance coverage) has a really nice website. I'm such a sucker for a decent website! Not just a pretty, well-designed site, but one that's also informative, makes you feel like they care about their patients, and that they want your business. This site was like that. And bonus - they accept my insurance!

Well, on the site there's a note that says to contact them for specific pricing information. So I emailed saying I was waiting on a referral (technically I am, although I haven't asked my gyn for another one yet), gave them the reader's digest version of my history, and asked about pricing for testing. Lo and behold, by the end of the day I had a response - from the doctor! He gave me the price for an SA and also said with the extensive testing I've already had, he would need to talk to me about what other tests might be useful. I was impressed, and all the more impressed when that evening I had a voicemail from him following up on his email, and he even said if I couldn't call back until after hours I could have the answering service page him. Wow! Is this how all RE's are? I'm not even a patient yet!

So the question is, why haven't I called back? Honestly, the only excuse I have is that I've been super busy. But I'm going to do it TODAY. On my lunch break, since I won't have time after work. It's about time I stop dragging my feet already!


  1. That's wonderful news!! How amazing to have a response from an actual doctor! And ways to contact him! That's great!

  2. He sounds like a gem ! Call him, can't wait to hear how it goes !!

  3. Wow! Your RE sounds amazing! My first one was kinda crappy, but we had not so great fertility coverage and with that RE group I think it was all about money. I loved my kaiser RE's. Got in there for a consult and walked out with a list of the next 3 appts and a schedule for when to do all blood work and HSG. Seriously I learned more from my new RE in 45 minutes then I did 3 hours with the other one. When you've got a great doctor it really helps. Makes you feel like you've got someone else rooting for you.
    Let us know what happens. When do you plan on going in?

  4. Yes! Call him! He does sound like he actually cares, which seems to be in short supply among too many doctors.

  5. No, I don't think most RE's are like that so take advantage and call him back!!!

    He sounds wonderful aaaannnd you can email him anytime you have questions.

  6. Call him! Go for it! My RE is worlds more knowledgable than my Ob/Gyn, but that's AWESOME service.

    My RE's office recently followed up with me to see how I'm doing & to call about more testing. (it's all a matter of finances. i hate money!)

    BTW- I'm a website snob too! If you want my business, it better be a good one!

  7. You have no idea how fortunate you are - call him back already!!!

    The fact that he's email-literate (which I've found doesn't happen very often w/ doctors) is a huge plus. I hope things go as smoothly as the initial contact has gone.


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