

I could go on and on

Sorry I was MIA for the rest of the weekend, I felt bad posting when I haven't been commenting on your blogs much! I think/hope I'll have some down time at work so I can read through them today.

The news hasn't quite sunk in yet, but I am feeling cautiously optimistic, and trying hard not to worry about everything that could happen. The spotting/whatever stopped completely by Saturday night, and now I just have the very sore boobs, fatigue, mild occasional cramping, and let's not forget the gas. I took two more HPTs yesterday - another FRER so I could compare (yesterday's was noticeably darker than Saturday's), and an internet cheapie for kicks (it was definitely positive, but not nearly as dark as the control line, which I am trying very hard not to read into). I also took an OPK just because I'd heard they turn positive too, and boy did it, it was SUPER dark!

I just got off the phone with they gyno, and according to the receptionist they like to see patients between 6 and 8 weeks, so my appt is the 22nd - at exactly 7 weeks (the day before my birthday). Sigh, the perils of not seeing a specialist... I hope I can last that long! It's going to be a loooong 2.5 weeks.

Hubs and I decided to tell our immediate families, since they already know about everything we've been through up until now anyway, and also since I have a big mouth (told ya). I figure if anything were to go wrong I don't want to have to keep it a secret, and I know we will have their support in that case as well. Our parents were all very excited, cautiously so of course, and our siblings were really happy for us too. My SIL D gave me a bag full of baby books when she stopped crying, and my brothers and SIL L had us over for lunch and cake yesterday to celebrate.

Other than that little bombshell, it was a pretty mellow weekend. As planned we went to two barbecues for the 4th, and then watched a professional fireworks display for free from my BIL and SIL's very conveniently located backyard. I spent most of the rest of the weekend with my butt on the couch, reading or watching TV. Oh, we also watched Hot Tub Time Machine, which was incredibly silly but pretty funny.

I'll stop here before I write an entire novel and bore you to sleep. Thank you all so much for your good wishes!! You're all wonderful and I very, very much appreciate your support. And I will continue to return the favor to the best of my ability :)


  1. I am SOO excited for you!! Don't be afraid to post updates! We really do want to hear them :-)

  2. I am so excited for you. I had been thinking about you two all weekend !

    That is wonderful that you decided to tell your family. They sound so supportive.

    Hopefully the next two weeks will fly by super fast !


  3. You need to keep posting. You are now my fertilty goddess. Your body finally get PG. I am now honoring and worshipping you (since I've been praying to all gods and goddesses since TTC began). I am so so so happy for you. It sucks that you can't get an appointment any sooner. Any friends in the medical field? Can they at least do a beta?

  4. I'm so happy for you! Yours is one of the first blogs I started to read when I started my blog. Such exciting news, your going to be a fantastic mommy.

  5. I am glad you had a good weekend. Please keep posting!!!!!

  6. Happy, happy, happy! I'm so incredibly happy for you Kitty!!! It gives me faith and hope to see another one of us get PG. And don't worry about those 2 1/2 weeks, if IF has taught you anything it's that you're a PRO at the 2ww. Enjoy every minute, you deserve this!

  7. No worries, I figured you were on cloud 9. :) I am so happy for you!

    Just watch lots of movies and keep very busy. TV and food kept me busy during those insane first few months...and that is why I am overweight now!

  8. Oh Kitty I am so excited for you! Can you ask your Dr. for a Beta?


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