

Nervous (TMI ALERT!)

Here's some more useless information to take up space in the preview panel: Sputnik was launched the same day Leave it to Beaver debuted. Taft was the last US President with facial hair. A group of owls is called a "parliament." The abbreviation for pound (lb.) comes from the Latin "libra pondo," meaning weight or balance, which is also where the constellation Libra gets its name. "Beelzebub" is Hebrew for "Lord of the Flies;" I knew that book was from the devil!

There, that should be good.

Thanks for the well-wishes and helping to calm my worries yesterday, ladies! I spoke with my mom last night and her pregnancy signs (four times) were very similar to mine, so I am feeling better about that :)

Now here's where the TMI begins...

Unfortunately, I really freaked right after my last post, when I went to the RR and saw some light brown discharge. Ughhh... There was a glob of it when I wiped, which was the most there's been up to this point; since then it's been normal CM volume. The light in the work bathroom is really dim though, so while it appeared light brown in there (and may well have been since that was the most I saw at once), when I checked at home it looked like a weird sort of light-yellowish-khaki. So I can't tell if it's just a weird color and a bit darker than usual, or if there's actually blood in there. No funky smell or itching or anything like that (and if anyone is an expert on vag infections it's me!), and what's on my undies looks more pale yellow than anything else. Hubs and I DTD on Sunday night, so if it is blood, I'm wondering if/hoping that just irritated my cervix a little or something.

When I called my mom, her best friend who is a labor and delivery nurse happened to be there so I talked to her too (talk about having no shame! I figure I might as well get used to it, huh?). She didn't seem to think it was nothing, but said to take it easy and no sex until I know everything's okay. My doctor's appointment tomorrow can't come soon enough!! Dr. Google is only freaking me out more, so I am going to try to just monitor the situation and wait it out today. Who knows, maybe this will be cause for them to do an u/s after all? I will definitely let you know how it goes!


  1. I hope it's nothing to worry about. Dr. Google can be so comforting at times, yet downright evil at others, huh? Perhaps it is the modern day Jekyll/Hyde?

  2. Yes, you should demand an US and make the insurance pay for it. At the doc, just play it up more (say you have cramping, etc). I hate insurance companies! You need to look at the little beaner already!!!

  3. Hi Kitty, have been following your story and I am so happy for you! wanted to reassure you that the discharge you saw is very normal with pregnancy esp. in the beginning, I remember that discharge with each of my pregnancies (I have three little ones) it always scares me so then I have to go to my bible "what to expect when you are expecting" and that reassures me :) so I think everything is just fine and My office does a ultrasound at the first appt. just to see how everything is going and then they can get a little bit more accurate at how far along you are. Hope this helps! sorry so long. Have a great day!

  4. Fingers crossed that it's nothing - I'm sure DTD was slightly irritating, plus some brownish discharge can be normal at the beginning. Keep us updated!

  5. Insurance companies suck!! Demand an US! I am sure it's nothing, but why worry?

    Good luck!

  6. Brown/yellow discharge is normal. Don't worry about spotting unless there is blood and cramps occurring at the SAME time.

  7. Hugs. Sounds normal to me. Pregnancy was yucky in the underwear. Your cervix is extra, nicely put, full of blood and goo. DTD can cause a little blood and ooze. Your body produces extra of both right now.

  8. Step AWAY from Dr Google! I'm sure everything is fine. Looks like you've gotten lots of good advice! Definately get What to Expect. I've never been pg and don't have "When you're expecting", but I have "In the first year" and go to it all the time with questions about E.

  9. The amount of discharge during pregnancy increases. I believe I had to the same. HTH.

  10. (hugs) I hope it's nothing but residual implantation blood.

  11. Well, as you know brown blood is old blood, so hopefully you just irritated your cervix when you DTD. And your discharge sounds completely normal!! I agree, step away from Dr. Google... you can pretty much find any answer you are looking for to make you feel better, but it's what you read before you find "that" answer that can freak you out!! (((HUGS))) Can't wait to hear about your appointment!

  12. What time is your appt?? Sending you good thoughts!! GET AN U/S!

  13. I am stalking you.


    I mean, I am stalking your blog.

    All my thoughts and prayers are heading to the West Coast, hoping things went well at your appt. today.

  14. Kitty, I kept thinking I saw a yellowish/brownish discharge too and I would instantly freak out and keep "looking"

    Also, even it was brown blood that means it is old and not new and that is a good sign. See, your LO right now is burrowing deep into the lining of your uterus which cause some shedding of old blood or discharge.

    :) I hope everything goes well today!


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