

Still spotting

Well, the spotting is actually picking up now. There's enough to where I need a liner, and it's still brown, but darker than it was. Freaking out a bit here, and I have people coming over for a birthday shindig in about an hour and a half. Ugh. Prayers please?


  1. My thoughts and prayers are with you Kitty. I hope you get some answers soon!

  2. Praying everything's ok. {{{hugs}}}

    Have fun at your bday shindig!

  3. Prayers are definitely coming your way! I'm trying to give you a little hope by saying that is semi-normal to bleed a little, but I understand your worry.

    Sending calming vibes your way!

  4. I hope it goes away very soon. I know how daunting any type of blood can be while pregnant.

  5. I hope it stops! Try to relax even though I know it's hard. I spotted the first 4 weeks so it can be normal.

  6. I'm praying for you. Hopefully you will know more tomorrow at your appt and you can see your LO

  7. (((HUGS))) girl. I told you already that this happened to me after my pap while pg and everything was okay. Prayers that this is the case for you too.

  8. i'm dying to know the update since i didnt get to see you on Saturday. I dearly hope everything is okay. legs crossed missy.

  9. My thoughts and prayers are with you..spotting is common though - so I think your ok! Hang in there sweetie!!

  10. Oh Kitty!!!!! I hope you are ok today. Happt birthday, though. Welcome to the 30s!


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