


Ahh, Friday! How I love you! And how I'd love you even more if I could fast-forward to 4:30, but I'll take what I can get.

This weekend is going to be my last lazy weekend at home for a while, and I am going to revel in it. Tomorrow morning I'm getting my hair cut, and if the sun finally decides to come out I want to lay out for a while in the afternoon. Hubs and I may be going to the movies on Sunday, we are overdue for a date! He offered to take me to see if there's a matinee; I think he secretly likes those Twi.light movies. I'm by no means a "Twi-hard" but I read the books and they were entertaining enough. Feel free to make fun of me!

So here's a preview of what I'll be doing until the end of August:

-Next weekend: Spending the weekend at an L.A. beach for my friend A's bachelorette. No, I am not ready to make any announcements, so tell me this excuse isn't brilliant: I'm not drinking because my acupuncturist forbade it with the herbs I'm currently taking. Good one, right? I just hope I don't blow my cover by puking and/or falling asleep at 8:00 every night! (Or by blabbing. Not only am I terrible at keeping secrets, I am a horrible liar.)

-The following weekend: My 30th birthday!! We're just having family and a few close friends over for pizza and cake in the backyard. I'll tell my close buds by then, assuming all goes well at my OB appt that week. The next day we're leaving for our week-long camping trip to the beach!

-The week after we get back from camping is my friend T's bachelorette party. They will be going go-kart racing. I will most likely be on photography duty and chowing down on pizza. And probably being someone's DD.

-The next week is T's wedding.

-Two weeks after that is A's wedding.

The only thing I'm concerned about is the bachelorette party next weekend, since I'll be away from hubs for 2 nights. Not that I think anything will happen... I don't know. I guess I would just rather be at home until I feel more comfortable and secure about things.

For now, I'm just going to look forward to vegging out for the next two days! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend :)


  1. Get your rest; you have a lot coming up!

  2. Wow - you've got a busy several weeks ahead. Enjoy the laziness of this weekend for sure!

    I found that the need for C to be around was strong in the beginning, then waned a bit in the middle and has now strengthened again... I'm not sure if I think I'll need his support or I don't want him to miss anything or what...

  3. When you go to the bar, drink soda or tonic with a lemon or lime. It looks like a cocktail well enough.

    I do like the
    "excuse" though. Blame it on the herbs!!!

  4. Great idea blaming it on the accu! You have a hectic schedule coming up so you better get a lot of rest. Hope you have a good and relaxing weekend!

  5. Hope you have a great weekend! Practice saying your excuse in the mirrow so you are comfortable saying it ;)


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