


So I just had my follow up u/s, and for fuck's sake there's still a sac in my uterus. Really???? After hours (days?) of the most torturous pain I've ever experienced, none of the freakishly huge clots I passed was even the sac??? For the love of God, can't this PLEASE just be over yet??? PLEASE???

The u/s tech sent the images to my doctor's office right away so I could call, and guess what? No physicians in the office this afternoon!! So I have to wait until Monday morning to find out what comes next. I am assuming a D&C is in my near future. Wonderful.

Ugh. I feel a little sick.

I repeat: FML.

Now I have to go get my nails done so I can be a pretty bridesmaid (with a zit the size of my ass on my chin) tomorrow.

(Sorry for the gratuitous swearing.)


  1. I am just so, so sorry that you're going through this.

  2. I am sorry Kitty. Many (((HUGS)))

  3. Un-freaking-believable! I'm so incredibly sorry - this sucks!

  4. My first miscarriage I passed the sac through the most tortuous pain ever...and when I passed the sac I passed the WHOLE thing. It was the most bizarre sensation ever. My second I had a D&C. It was much easier. Over in a day. And I got awesome drugs.

    As if miscarriage isn't torture enough...

  5. Oh Kitty. :( I'm so sorry. ((((Super big hugs))))))

  6. Ugh, I'm sorry things are being prolonged. (huge hug).
    But I hear you on the huge zit! I woke up this morning with 2 pimples just waiting to balloon up. And I've run out if the spot treatment stuff.
    I'm sure you'll make a beautiful bridesmaid! Oh I love weddings. DH and I never get invited to any though.

  7. That really sucks. So sorry that you now have to have a D&C. Let me know if you have any questions on the procedure.

  8. I hate that you are going through all of this. I'm so sorry it's still sticking around. {{{Hugs}}}

  9. Ugh... This sucks. I'm sorry.

  10. It took well over two weeks before I passed the sac. I remember thinking the same thing as you, with all the clots and such I figured it would have already happened. Hugs.
    Prayforamiracle-TTCAL Webmd

  11. I'm so sorry that this is still going on :( I hope you are able to get in quickly so you can move on. Erin is right too, the drugs are awesome. (hugs)

  12. I'm so sorry.... big hugs hon!

  13. ((((hugs)))))

    I am so sorry your going through all of this. Hang in there sweets


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