

Award time!

Thank you to Angie for this lovely award!

So the deal is I share 7 things about myself and then pass the award on to 7 other awesome bloggers. Nominating 7 bloggers isn't hard, but coming up with 7 things about myself that I haven't told you yet might be a little tricky for TMI girl here... Here goes!

1. I haven't always been a cat person. Growing up, my family always had dogs and my dad absolutely hated cats.  After I moved out on my own I wanted a pet but couldn't have a dog in my apartment, so I got Atticus. Now I prefer cats, they're so much more quiet and out of the way!

2. In high school, my best friend and I wore the same size shoes, and we each owned a couple of the same pairs.  So we said we were "sole mates."  Nerd alert!  ;)

3. I was a late bloomer. I didn't have my first kiss until I was 17, and then I was afraid to make out until I was 18, at which time I had a cute boyfriend so I got over it.

4. I'm currently in a bowling league with Hubs and my older brother, C.  Our team name is Aardvark.  Not "The Aardvarks" or even "Aardvarks," just plain Aardvark.  That was my brother's and my doing.

5. My younger brother, A, and I used to hang out listening to comedy music - you know, like Weird Al, Adam Sandler, S.ifl & O.lly etc. Hubs still looks at me sideways when I bust out with random songs, although he's learned some from me that he sings too. 

6. I've always wanted to go skydiving.

7. As a kid I used to collect rocks and polish them to a flawless shine in my rock tumbler.  I had some nice ones, but have since lost them all.  (Nerd alert times two!)

I now nominate 7 people I want to learn more about:

SpeechGirl, AKA My Husband Grows Cotton


  1. Thanks Kitty! 7 things. Hmmm...I think I can do that!

  2. Awesome - thanks Kitty!

    You're right though, I'm having a hard time with the 7 things... I'm sure I can come up with something good though.


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