

Whine and wine

Yesterday Hubs and I had dinner with my family at my parents' house. I was in a decent enough mood, but I had one of those moments when I really felt out of place. Four of my nieces and nephews were running around the backyard, with my sister and brother leading a conversation about pregnancy and parenthood. Meanwhile Hubs and I were sitting 10 feet away looking at each other with nothing to contribute and a burning desire to GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE. Sigh... Score another point for infertility - driving wedges between family members since 830 B.C.

Not helping matters: Today is CD22 (about 8DPO), and I just know AF will be visiting this weekend. I really wasn't holding out much hope for this C, but I'm bummed. Very bummed. Ugh... This is still so damn hard.

Hubs and I had a very nice long weekend, though. Our trip to wine country was perfect, and we had a great time wine tasting on Friday. We booked a shuttle and wound up hitting it off with two other couples in our van, so we spent most of the day with them. We also got to spend some time with one of Hubs's good friends and his girlfriend on Thursday evening. And guess what? No one talked about kids or babies the whole trip. We got back early Saturday afternoon and spent most of the weekend just hanging out at home. It was nice and relaxing.

Seeing as we're now completely broke, it's time to quit having fun and get back to work on the house. We still (always!) have a ton to do, so that will be the focus of our weekends for the next... however long. But I'm excited to get stuff done, our little bungalow will look so much more finished and homey.

Almost time for acupuncture. Fingers crossed it does the trick and pulls me out of my funk today.


  1. Sorry you are in a funk! Acupuncture usually helps me bounce out of it.

  2. I completely understand the GTHOOT ! Seriously, don't the family members get it ?! ugh...We are still in the recovery process after all these years. Damn IF wedge !

    Yippee that you had a wonderful wino time ! Did you take any photos by chance ?

    Hope today gets better for you. I am waving my defunkified magic wand !

  3. Yuck, I've had my share of those nasty funks. Hope your acupuncture appointment helps a little...

    I'd like to see pictures of Wine Country as!

  4. Ahhh yes I think we all have at least one or two family members that just don't seem to f*ckin care!

    Glad to hear the trip went well and yay to getting stuff done to the house now, after I come back from my trip, I've got HUGE plans for our backyard which I'm looking forward to, cause it currently is being taken over by weeds!


  5. Ugh, I hate those "family times" together!

    I hope your acupuncture goes well. :)


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