

More on "Barren"

I know I said I wouldn't be posting about IF for a bit, but I couldn't not tell you that last night I received a personal email from Monica Wiesblott, the artist from the Barren exhibit!  I'd left my email address and blog URL in the guestbook, and to my surprise she recognized me from ICLW and has actually been by here before.  (I have to admit, I was as excited as if I'd been recognized by a movie star!)  I'm so pleased to be able to follow Monica on her infertility blog now!

I'm also very pleased to tell you that the exhibit is online!  (Prepare for major trigs if you decide to check it out.)  I don't know how I missed that before, but now that I have the link I'm going to be spreading it around wherever I can.  It's such a powerful depiction of what it means to be infertile and to have suffered loss, and like I said in her guestbook, Monica is a very brave woman for baring her soul to the world in this way.

Thanks again to Monica!
Happy Hump Day :)


  1. Thanks so much for posting the link to the exhibit. I think the one I related to the most was "It Settled In So Deeply" - with the baby transcribed into a heart.

    IF seemed to me to consume me so much that my entire heart felt as though it ached for a LO... I would have never thought to depict it in this way, but it seemed incredibly accurate upon seeing it.

  2. Wow. Just wow. I thank you for this, Kitty.

  3. I have a voice when it comes to my infertility, and I know what I am doing when it comes to my art shows I have done in the past.
    But I have never been able to get my point across when it comes to the infertile side of me. She has done it well. The best artwork out there stirs up emotion; good or bad. And she definitely hits the target.

  4. Wow, just wow. Those are amazing. Thanks for sharing the link Kitty. Some of those hit emotions in me that are so raw they don't have a name. I love how it was set up too, blank walls, a solitary bench or emty rocking chair. We try so hard to fill our lives up with other things, but what's missing is always that plain to us.



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