


I want out.

My job is pushing me over the edge.  There's too much going on, and about every time I turn around I get another big project to do.  I am up to six right now, six, all but one due by the end of the year.  All three of my employees have been coming to me complainig that they are overwhelmed and stressed.  One used the word "drowning."  I feel awful for them, but I don't know how to help them when I feel exactly the same way.  There's no way we're going to be able to hire another person, we just have to figure out how to deal with it.  But I'm afraid someone's going to quit on me. 

Or worse, that someone will quit on me before I have a chance to quit!

But there just aren't that many jobs out there that I'm qualified for.  I've been in banking almost 10 years, pretty much my entire adult job history.  Yes, I've done different things - customer service, training and development, and now management - but in this economy I feel like any other job paying what I make now is going to require as much of me as this place does.  And I can't afford to take a pay cut.  I am hoping to get a raise this year, since no one here did last year, but that just means my bills get paid faster, not that my workload will get any easier.

I don't know what to do.  My boss is not receptive to the "I'm overwhelmed" complaint.  The work just has to get done and we just don't have enough people to take some of the load off. 

I have got to get out of here, somehow.


  1. Oh I'm so very sorry you're feeling this way. I always gave myself the rule - if I have more bad days than good at work, it's time to move on. It's not worth it...

    Hugs to you - hope it gets better!

  2. yuk! It sucks to feel the way you do, and feeling like the end is no where in sight is just awful.


  3. (hugs) I am very sorry you're feeling overwhelmed. It's a rather helpless feeling, isn't it?

    Is there a program you'd be interested in taking to further your education at all?

  4. I am so sorry! That just sucks! (((HUGS)))

  5. That is why I got out of the bank. Too much stress for me, at least in that one position. I also felt like people were taking serious advantage of me.

    Keep looking around.

  6. i guess it's more then just my company that is feeling the 4th quarter stress. We just completed our 3rd quarter lay-off, including.. cough cough.. my position, i was luckly enough to be transfered verses the cute pink slip...good luck...only 33 more days until xmas bliss.

  7. And I always thought that workingin a bank would be a pretty sweet job...

    Anyway, I hope you can get some relief soon. Is it anything that will clear up after the holidays? Is there anything that you can do to make it more fun? Upbeat radio station, box of Jo.e's cookies? ;) (it's what our management does, seems to work.)


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