

363 days until Christmas

Good morning, fine folks! I trust everyone had a decent weekend and a lovely Christmas if you were celebrating it.  You'll be happy to know that I did not spend mine in a drunken stupor, contrary to what my last post may have led you to believe.  In fact, I was sober most of the weekend.  Although there were a couple of moments I wished I'd made that punch after all, but who doesn't have those moments?

Hubs and I had an absolutely fabulous Christmas together.  We savored the morning and took our sweet time going through our pile of presents.  We mostly got each other clothes.  He got a new jacket, sweaters, some books and a game for the Wii; I got some super cute new skirts and dresses for work, a hot pair of boots, and some really nice product that will hopefully clear up the small solar system that was recently discovered on my chin.  Atticus got a toy, but I gave it to him days ago when he was driving me nuts while I was trying to wrap presents, so for the most part he just chased balls of wrapping paper and tried to eat ribbons.  He seemed satisfied with that.  We also scored some sweet swag from our families - most notably a gas grill!  Not to mention the "family" gift we got for ourselves - a new computer that Hubs built, complete with a snazzy new monitor.  The Von D household definitely got some upgrades this weekend.  And now we're on spending lockdown for the foreseeable future.

Thankfully, the weekend was low on drama after last week's ordeal and we enjoyed a busy day Saturday followed by a very mellow day Sunday.  Now it's back to the grind, where I am reminded every day that I need to GET THE F OUT of this job.  My boss added a whole new dimension to that reality last week when he proved he doesn't give a rat's flea-infested anus about my department, and then flat-out lied to me just so he wouldn't have to go to any effort whatsoever for us.  There are only four of us in the department and I guarantee every one of us is seriously considering looking, if not already actually looking, for new jobs.  And now I have this burning desire to go out in a blaze of glory.  Hubs suggested we have sex on the president's desk, but I thought that might be taking it a bit far.  At any rate, the job hunt is beginning NOW.

Now that Christmas is over, we can all start talking about the new year, right?  What are your plans for New Year's Eve?  Hubs and I are going to a small get-together at a friend's place, which will be an enormous improvement over last year's South Park marathon.


  1. Your christmas sounds wonderful! Ah yes, the countdown to next year...

  2. Sounds like a lovely Christmas!! Insanely jealous!

    Good luck in your job hunt! I hope you find the perfect job that pays you millions (because you deserve it!).

    As for New Year's...we're doing....wait for it....NOTHING. But, at least I have a cute dog, a smart husband, and a whole lot of other things to be thankful for!

  3. I hope your boss is absolutely DUMBFOUNDED when you all walk out together. That would be an awesome story.

  4. Sounds like fun - glad you had a great holiday!

  5. I don't know, I might be getting drunk on New Year's. Who knows. I sure could use a drink.

    glad your holiday wasn't too brutal.

  6. Hmm plans for New Years? Yup like Christmas, doing nothing and going nowhere - Go on just admit it - you're jealous of my life aren't you?


  7. I was sober this Christmas as well :) I cannot guarantee anything for new years! Sounds like you had a great Christmas!


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