

So much to say so much to say

Dudes, the title is a lie.  I just don't have a lot to say right now.

Work is crazy and the job hunt is slow-going.  I'm in a bit of a depression but I'm working on it.  There's not a whole lot going on in my life other than work, and work is kinda like the seventh circle of hell lately.  No wonder I'm depressed. 

This morning I started thinking about setting some goals for myself, I think that might help boost my spirits.  There are plenty of things I'd like to accomplish and now that I don't have to worry about that pesky little thing called TTC, I should have plenty of time to accomplish them.  I think I'll create a new tab up top to keep track. (Update: see "To Do List.")

It's time to start taking back my life.  Back from IF and back from work.  It was mine to begin with, after all.


  1. That is okay that not much is going on. Sometimes that happens.

    Goals, goals are good ! I am excited to see what you have planned.

  2. Your title is such a tease!! Yeah I'm not sure where my life went...

  3. Yeah, I know what you mean! It's time to take back our lives! You can do it!!

  4. Your to do list sounds like a good way of taking back your life!! Miss you. xoxo

  5. LOVE the to do list! You should definitely do as many of these as possible!!!

  6. Wow - great list!!! Can I come along for a few of these???

  7. Good Luck with the job hunt!! And your goals.

  8. Sometimes not much going on is a good thing. :) A to do list is a good idea - I should do the same!

  9. Just wanted to say hi and good luck with the job search!

  10. I know that rut you're in. It seems never ending, for sure. (hugs) I hope the depression lifts soon.

  11. *Yay* to taking back your life!! It's a wonderful feeling!!

    Can't wait to hear/read more!!


    p.s. Great list!!


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