

Losing my marbles

I sit in an aisle lined with 7 cubicles.  Only one cube besides mine is currently occupied, and that person is rarely at his desk.  So sometimes I talk extra loud or say ridiculous things or even sing because I know if anyone can hear me they won't know that I'm really only talking (or singing) to myself.

Does that make me nuts?

Because I feel like I'm going nuts here.

But on the bright side, I applied for 5 jobs last night!  So hopefully my insanity will be short-lived.


  1. Gotta love cube-land! Congrats on applying for 5 jobs - way to go!

  2. no.

    you can only be qualified as "nuts" if you start asking yourself questions AND answering your own questions - just asking is fine, you cross the line though with answers.


    *yay* on the applying for 5 jobs, keeping everything crossed you get one of them!


  3. Cubeville is enough to make anyone crazy! I hope you get something else soon. :)

  4. You are not insane! I do it too! Maybe we are both crazy!

  5. Fingers and toes are crossed!!
    You are not insane, actually I think that makes you sane....and entertaining too!

  6. This was a funny post.I can just picture you sitting there singing.
    good luck on the job hunt!!

  7. GO KITTY!!!!

    Nothin' wrong with entertaining yourself. ;)

  8. Good luck with the job hunting!

    And yes, cubes make you nuts. I talk to myself all the time in mine.


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