

It's the end of the world...?

Generally speaking, I have a healthy sense of skepticism.  I don't take email forwards to heart when they tell me my lipstick will give me cancer or that there's some sort of cosmic, mystical connection between Abe Lincoln and JFK.  I've never believed in Nostradamus's predictions and never gave a second thought to the Mayan calendar ending in 2012.

But what the hell is going on with all these natural disasters lately?  The tsunami in Southern Asia, Hurricane Katrina, the earthquake in Haiti, and now Japan...  Hubs told me he read the other day that the Earth's rotation is slowing down by like 1.3 microseconds every 24 hours thanks to that earthquake.  (Granted I don't have a very good grasp of what that means but it doesn't sound good to me.)  All I'm saying is it seems like there have been a lot of particularly disastrous disasters in recent years.  I'm starting to think maybe the Mayans were right after all. 

Or maybe the world has always had these kinds of massive disasters and I just never paid attention before to how frequently they occur. 

I'm hoping it's the latter, but I have to admit I'm starting to get nervous.

What do you think?  I'm posting a poll just for kicks (directly to the left).  Vote early, vote often!


  1. I admit it's bizarre, but I voted no... But very scary about what's going on lately!

  2. Dear Kitty! It does seem as if there's been a lot of disasters recently, doesn't it. I don't think it means anything other than I need to update my earthquake kit and emergency plan! Prepared is better than not.

    I am reading "World War Z" about the zombie apocalypse and it does put things into perspective. Life could be a lot worse.

  3. I worry about the same thing! It seems like there are much more lately then ever before. A friends child told me it was the earths way of re-claiming what is belongs to it, and does not belong to us. Big thoughts for a 6 year old...

  4. Supposedly the earth's axis is shifting slightly which happens every x amount of years and it causes natural disasters to occur more frequently.

    That makes more sense to me than the end of the world.

  5. Here visiting from Rain's blog...

    Stuff like this has always happened. I feel a lot of it is blown out of porportion by the media.

    And those poor Mayans. There was a guy who had to write out a calendar. Eventually he got too tired to continue and decided to make a good stop based on some lunar event to be able to explain it to the King who he didn't continue until he dropped dead. Now everybody thinks it's the end of the world.

  6. I don't want to get all preachy.....JMHO The bible fortells in Matthew 24:6-8

    6 YOU are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that YOU are not terrified. For these things must take place, but the end is not yet. 7 “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. 8 All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.

  7. I think they've always been there - we just haven't always paid attention to the news or had access to the places where they've happened...

    And, if it's the end, it's the end and there's not much we can do about it!

  8. "he read the other day that the Earth's rotation is slowing down by like 1.3 microseconds every 24 hours thanks to that earthquake."

    the opposite actually happened apparently, it sped up slightly and the day of the earthquake, the day was actually shorter. it's actually also going to affect the seasons as well [will be longer/shorter depending where you are in the world etc] but that affect won't be felt for years yet and then hardly at all.

    japan itself was shifted just under 2 metres and an island off japan has physically moved 8 metres from the plates moving that caused that earthquake.

    i don't believe its the end of the world - to put it simply, i think the earth is just stretching - flexing her muscles. she does it every so often, we feel it and it has a greater impact on us now because we are so much more advanced, have built more things etc so we feel the impact of it more when she does stretch.

  9. Just stumbled upon your blog........I have to admit the whole birds falling out of the sky was when i really started wondering........what the heck is going on perhaps this happens in intervals every 1000 yrs or so:)) hopeful thinking


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