

Loving it

Oh my gosh, I can't even tell you how much I love this women's group!  We had our second meeting last night and it was just the perfect ending to my day.  I was in such a good mood last night, and I still am this morning.  We have two new members and at least one more who will be joining us at our next meeting.  Pretty soon there'll be too many of us to get together at each other's houses anymore.  Everyone is really excited about it and seem to enjoy our group quite a bit.  The sister of one of our members is even thinking about starting her own chapter in NYC, she's been so inspired by the things she's heard about us!  Check out our blog:

Obviously, my day got a lot better after I posted yesterday.  I was pretty down in the dumps about realizing my EDD is coming up next week, but I just threw myself into my work and ended up having a decent day.  I'm getting more familiar with my new boss, she's actually kind of cool.  She needs to work on her listening skills sometimes, but my employees and I are getting more praise and recognition than we ever have, which makes such a difference.  I'm still job hunting though, since I'm not yet entirely convinced this place isn't pure evil!

Everything also worked out for my grandma's birthday this weekend, and it turns out my ENTIRE immediate family is going down to San Diego to celebrate with her at my aunt and uncle's house.  I'm excited about it!  Hubs and I will be road-tripping down there with my little brother (he's actually taller than anyone else in the family and 28 years old, so maybe it's a tad strange to still call him "little"), which I'm looking forward to.  He's one of the funniest guys I know, so that should be an entertaining drive.

Other than that, can you say TGIF???  I'll be working a little late tonight, but whatever - I'm just happy I get to sleep in tomorrow!


  1. Happy to hear things are looking up for you and you are in a better place !

    Your groups sounds like a blast, I am glad you are part of something so wonderful :)

    Hope you have a great time this weekend with the family !

  2. The group sounds amazing! Congrats on finding a wonderful bunch of women!

    I hope you have a great time this weekend! I can't wait to hear all about it.

  3. Glad things are looking up - have a great road trip!!!

  4. So glad your womens group is going so well, and it helped you get into a great mood! Have a wonderful weekend! And yes, TGIF!!!!

  5. I'm sorry about the upcoming date. I've been thinking about that for you. But I'm very happy for you how well other things are going in your life.


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