

The weekend and stuff

Don't you love it when you're sitting at work on a Monday, all miserable because it's freaking Monday and there are all kinds of issues popping up and it seems like nothing is going right, when you suddenly remember you're off on Friday and your mood is instantly improved?  I do!!  I'm so glad I decided not to wait until Hubs could take time off with me to request a much-needed vacation day.  Knowing the week is going to be one day shorter than usual just brightens me right up.  I think I'll get up just a little later than my normal time on Friday so I can spend the morning with Hubs before he goes to work, then I'm going to get a pedicure and maybe see a movie with my friend K.  Ahh...  Yes, I feel much better now!

Of course, don't ask me how I feel about this week when I'm working (unpaid) overtime on Tuesday and Thursday.

Anywho.  I had a very nice weekend.  I slept in way too late on Saturday, which was absolute bliss, and then proceeded to do very little throughout the day.  I think I did something productive, but I can't remember what it could have been...  Oh yeah - I made brownies.  Really, I think that's about it.  After Hubs got home from work we went out to dinner, but it was an early night since we had big plans for Sunday and wanted to be up at a decent hour.  We got a late start anyway, but we managed to get almost everything done that we wanted to.  After a trip to the nursery (the kind with the plants, not the kind with the babies) and the hardware store we spent the afternoon in the backyard where I potted some plants while Hubs built a gorgeous raised garden bed.  We should have it totally "installed" and ready for planting this coming weekend.  I can't wait to start planting my own veggies! 

I also did a lot of thinking over the weekend.  I really want to write a book (a novel), and I came up with what I think is a great idea for a story.  It'll draw from my IF experiences, but with a twist, and will hopefully come off as fun, funny and a little sentimental.  Ya know, your typical chick-lit.  I've been mulling it over and bouncing ideas off Hubs, and now it's time to get an outline going.  Who knows, I may actually reach my goal of publishing a book one day!

Okay, back to the grind for me!  What am I doing blogging?  I have a boatload of work to do!  Hope you're having a great Monday.  :)


  1. A Friday off? Sounds wonderful! Enjoy your short week!

  2. Glad you had a good weekend. Let me know when you finish your book. I'd love to read it! Ooh, maybe I could even get an autographed copy. It's always been on my things-to-do list, too.

  3. Good luck with your novel!!!!

  4. the world needs a funny IF book. It could educate people at the same time and I would definitely buy it. I say DO IT!!
    And yeah for fridays off!

  5. I hate Mondays as well!! Maybe I should make my first "Memorable Monday" a Friday off!!! Sounds like a good idea to me!!

  6. I think you'd be an awesome author and I'd totally read your book!

  7. So thrilled for you!! A garden is perfect and your upcoming weekend sounds blissful!
    enjoy your time and get writing...

  8. I want to read your book right now


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