

Coming and going... mostly going

There comes a time in every childless, non-TTC Infertile's journey when she realizes it's time to move on from the blogland that once provided her with so much comfort.  The ALI blogosphere has been an amazing support system throughout my infertility, miscarriage, and even my baby steps (pun intended) into a happily childfree life (so far, knock on wood!).  YOU are all amazing and I appreciate all of the words, thoughts and encouragement you've offered me.

I've come to a decision, though, or at least half of a decision.  (If you've been around this blog long enough you know how indecisive I am and that half a decision is as good as it gets some days.)  That half of a decision is this:  It's time for me to stop following TTC and parenting blogs.  This probably does not come as a shock to anyone, but I thought it would be rude to one day just up and disappear from twenty-something 'following' lists.  I mean no offense by taking this action and I won't take offense if I lose followers for doing it.  When I was TTC, this blog was a sanctuary to me.  I came here and visited your blogs daily, and it was a relief and a joy and a glimmer of hope during a dark time in my life.  Unfortunately, and I'd hoped this wouldn't happen, now seeing all those TTC and mommy blogs in my blogroll is a sad reminder of that dark time.  And I don't want to be sad anymore.  I want to do what is healthy for me and what makes me happy.

The other half of the decision I've been mulling over is what to do with this blog.  I don't have anything specific to write about these days and I'm afraid it's getting pretty boring!  On the other hand, for better or worse, this blog is a part of me and I can't bear to simply shut it down.  At least not yet.  I still have the urge to write, and I don't want to start fresh with a new name and a new space.  The Life and Times of KitVonD was always supposed to be about me, not just my infertility.  So here it will stay, and eventually, for the sake of anyone reading this, I hope it gets more interesting!

So if you see my name disappear from your blog, please know I wish you nothing but the very best.  I am so happy that so many of my IF sisters have gotten exactly what they hoped for.  I know you will never take your children for granted and you will never forget the struggle you overcame.  That struggle will make you a better person and a better parent, and your children will benefit from the wisdom you've gained.  For those still waiting for your miracles, hang in there!  And I don't say that lightly.  I know how difficult it is to wait, to feel the agony of loss, and to wonder if you'll ever get to hold your own baby in your arms.  I can't tell you how your journey will end, but I can tell you there is hope, and there is happiness to be had and life to enjoy in the meantime. 

Thank you for allowing me to share in your journeys.  XOXO


  1. I understand how you feel! I am looking forward to continuing to follow your journey, no matter what you choose to write about.


  2. I am so excited for you! I applaud your choices and so look forward to what you are going to become!


  3. Tap, tap, is this thing on ?! Oh, I totally get ya. I had to do the exact same thing. Kudos to you for making a half of a decision !

    I hope you don't ditch me...I will follow you until you delete this blog all are STUCK with me !! lol

    How is your garden going ? I am going to start composting, you should too !

  4. I will miss you greatly, but I get it. Can I still follow you, though? I never was any good at break-ups.

  5. I'm sorry to see you go, but understand your reason - best wishes!

  6. I completely understand and get it. When I was TTC with what is now our last child I had to force myself to stop following certain blogs. it just wasn't putting me in a good head space.
    I'll still follow your blog (if you'll have me). I like seeing what weekend adventures you and your husband come up with. Fun trips, working on your house...

  7. I get it too... I'm almost there. I will also continue to follow you on your journey unless you delete, I'm hoping that you won't but understand anything you must do.

    I pray that you find the happiness you so greatly deserve!

  8. Bye Kitty. May you always find happiness.

  9. Your stuck with me friend. And get it. I really do. I am at a cross roads with my blog as well, pondering what to do with it. I have no idea. But anyways, I will follow your blog and bug you on facebook as long as your around!

  10. Completely understand and no offense is taken. You DESERVE to be happy again and so I hope you find peace & happiness in your life! Thank you for all the love & support you have shown me, it did not go un-noticed and I am very grateful to have "met" you!!

    I wish you nothing but the best! Take care my friend and {{{HUGE HUGS}}}

  11. I have loved reading your blog Kitty, but I understand no matter what you decide! I hope you continue to update sporadically! (((HUGS)))

  12. i've done the same - was it because it was painful to read them? a little yes but it was also because my journey had moved on and need to take those steps forward away from those kinds of blogs.

    i have to say though that i think it's sad if people stop following you just because you've stopped following them - does that still happen? i'll follow you if you follow me but if you don't follow me, then it's seeya later baby!?! lol

    and yes, i will still be following you, not matter what you write about my lovely.


  13. Awww, great post! I don't follow and you don't (won't after reading this post) follow me

    Just popped though from the Barreness'


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