


Yesterday was my 31st birthday, and lemme tell ya, it was infinitely better than my 30th.  Pardon me while I regale you with far too many details and with way too much enthusiasm! 

The party was so freakin' much fun, I don't even know where to begin.  I don't know if they ever read my blog, but I'm thinking the appropriate place to start is by thanking L (my SIL, whose idea it was to have the party, and who took the reins in organizing the whole thing) and A (my BFF, who was L's right-hand woman in planning and executing the festivities): I love you both, I couldn't hope for better friends!

As usual, I sucked at documenting any part of the setup or celebration itself with photographic evidence.  My mom was taking pictures during the party, so maybe some day I'll get my hands on those images, but for now all I have is this:

If you're wondering whether that's a homemade tiramisu cupcake, let me assure you that it is.  And it was even more delicious than it looks.  I didn't get photos of the other cupcake varieties that A, my mom, my niece S, and I made on Saturday afternoon, but they were:

Chocolate Stout
Strawberry Shortcake
Margarita (complete with sugared rim)
Lemon with Blueberry Compote

It was a lot of work for 3 dozen cupcakes, even with 4 people, but well worth the effort!  They were super fancy-lookin' and tasty, and a HUGE hit at the party. 

The decor was even better than I imagined.  We strung market lights over the patio and barbecue area, and under them were three cocktail tables with black and teal linens, each topped with candles and fuschia orchids.  More candles dotted each of the three decks that climb the embankment above the patio, with seating areas and hors d'oeuvres stations on the two decks that have ocean views.

Speaking of food, my family kicked ass pulling together several yummy dishes!  A made red pepper hummus and olive tapenade, L made brie en croute and fruit skewers, Hubs made mini teriyaki drumsticks, my mom made bbq meatballs, and my MIL made mini pigs-in-a-blanket. 

And of course you can't have a cocktail party without cocktails!  My dad provided the beer, wine, and sodas, and my sister D rocked it with two superb martinis: "Absolut Sexy Lemonade Punch" and the "Kitini" (my invention, ingredients below). 

The best part of course, were the guests!  Everyone had a great time, and I even got to see a family friend that I haven't talked to in ages.  (She was in rare form!)  It was nothing short of an amazing night. 

The Kitini (AKA: Knock You on Your Ass Frou-Frou Delight)
2 parts vodka
1 part orange vodka
2 parts cranberry juice cocktail
1 part Kiwi-Strawberry flavored Juicy Juice
A few good squeezes of fresh lime or lime juice
Shake with crushed ice, strain, and serve
Recommendation: Garnish with a small slice of watermelon or half a strawberry


  1. Yay!! Glad you had a great party - Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy belated birthday!! Oh my sometimes I wish I could enjoy a cocktail because YOUR drink sounds amazing.
    I'm dreading turning 30. It happens next March. And I've been thinking about it probably for the past 3 years. Seriously. I don't know I have a lot of issues with 30. 40 will be no problem, but 30...i don't know. did you have the same thing? the dread? DH is saying we are going to have a big party and make everyone dress in black. for once i don't want a party. i just want to quietly pass away into my 30's and forget about it. yes, i've got issues turning 30. a lot of my friends (who are 30 already) say it's not a big deal. in fact many have said their 30's is a lot better then their 20's.
    gah, sorry i hijacked this post!
    a very happy belated birthday to you!

  3. Happy Birthday!!!
    Those cakes sound AMAZING and I am so glad to hear that you had a fun time!!

  4. What a fabulous party! Happy Birthday!!!

  5. I know this is belated, but I do hope your birthday was happy!!

    ...Your kitini sounds delish! ; )

  6. OMG. What is a Chocolate Stout cupcake and where do I find the recipe?!


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