

Chill mode

Christmas was definitely as hectic and dramalicious as ever, but overall it was good.  I'd even go so far as to say it was really good.  I scored a super sweet new camera from the Hubs, our first really decent one, and have been playing paparazzi for the past three days.  He and I also got to be the star auntie and uncle for bringing the biggest gift for two of our nieces.  I love that about kids - it doesn't matter so much what's inside the huge package as long as it's huge and it's theirs.  (It was one of those cardboard castles that they can color.)  But the best part about Christmas was when my SIL D and I were chatting as the day drew to an end, and she sort of asked and sort of told me that she and BIL had chosen Hubs and me to be godparents for their younger daughter.  I guess they kind of forgot to ask us three years ago when she was born, but who the hell cares?  I'm a godmother :)  How freakin' cool is that??

In other, much less interesting news, I'm sick again.  More coughing and stuffiness, but now I also have a pretty awesome case of laringitis that makes me sound like a sexy three-pack-a-day stripper.  I'm sure it will come in handy tomorrow when I go in for my second interview!  Hopefully they'll be able to understand me.  And hopefully I don't hack anything up on anyone...

Since yesterday was spent back at the in-laws' opening more presents together, today is the first day Hubs and I can just veg out at home and really unwind.  I'm thinking a nap will be in order later on, possibly preceded by eating a lunch that someone else makes for me.  Happy end of Christmas!


  1. We are godparents to a niece and nephew and it really creates a special bond! It's a good feeling!

  2. Hope you're feeling better by now! I've been fighting a cold off & on for three weeks now. Ugh!

    Congrats on becoming godparents!!! That's awesome!

  3. Thinking about you lately... hope all is well!


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