

Just a few things

There is nothing like going back to regular ol' morning sickness after enjoying a particularly brutal bout of food poisoning.  Mmm.  It was either the frozen chicken stir-fry I made on Monday for dinner, or the cheesy curly fries I had during bowling directly after dinner.  Well, that or eating said cheesy curly fries with grody house bowling ball fingers.  Whatever it was, it came out with a vengeance early Tuesday morning and didn't stop until that night.  I was so nauseous all day I couldn't even nap, and ingested nothing but sips of ginger ale and a few saltines later in the day.  Yesterday my stomach was back to about 90% normal, but I was so freaking tired I stayed in bed until 1:00 p.m.  Today I feel like me again.  Well, pregnant me anyway, what with the background of mild nausea and underlying tiredness. For which I am even more grateful than usual!

Other than the barfing, life is pretty boring these days.  I really enjoy working at my part time job, but I'm a little frustrated because I don't have a set schedule there, and I never know for sure when I'm working until the last minute.  The owners aren't in the office at regular hours either, plus they're night people and don't usually go in until sometime in the afternoon on the days they do go in, then they stay late.  So I'm thinking a general lack of schedule is normal for them.  But for me, it causes stress.  I like to be able to plan my week; as little as I have to do, I still need some structure!  Plus I like to be home around the time Hubs gets home (like 7:00 p.m.), which really limits my hours working in the office when I don't go in until around 2:00 or later.  I'm planning on asking them today if they'd mind me having a key so I can go in a little earlier and have more time to get stuff done.  Then hopefully we can work out a schedule that works for everyone.  Particularly me. 

As for the pregnancy, I'm still adjusting.  Even though I saw the heartbeat last week it still feels very abstract.  I have a hard time thinking of the little nugget as a baby, although I do have these occasional images flash through my mind - like the second bedroom as a functional nursery, or the feeling of a baby's cheek against mine.  Those are nice.  I don't know if I'm in denial about the whole thing or if I just got so used to imagining a childfree life that it's hard to switch gears.  I'm sure I will switch gears eventually though, as long as things keep going smoothly.  


  1. ewww...the image of bowling ball fingers that are stuffing food in the mouth---i know I am soooooooo guilty of doing that! Yuk! For real.

    Sorry you had the food poisoning, but for me, when I was nauseous and puking from morning sickness, I loved it as a reminder of my status!

  2. Sounds like things are going well for you! It's perfectly normal for the whole pregnancy thing to feel odd, it may be odd the whole time you are pregnant! And you did have your head wrapped around living child free, so it is a huge adjustment on your end. My DH and I were married 8 years before Alexander arrived and it was just a shock to our household at first. But those flashes of baby images you are having will grow and so will your heart. Take care!


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