

Real live human baby

I was so nervous before the ultrasound appointment this morning.  And honestly, I am still nervous!!!  Spoiler alert, it was good.  And it feels very surreal!

So the u/s tech did the abdominal scan first, and could actually see the heartbeat flicker, but it wasn't very clear.  She said she didn't think I was eight weeks, but not to worry (I'm 8 weeks 3 days past my last period), so of course I immediately started worrying more.  We moved on to the dildo cam, and lo and behold she was wrong.  The little bugger is measuring right about 8 weeks 4 days, and the heartbeat is nice and strong at 171.  She said it looks nice and secure in there, and everything looks good.  I don't see the doctor again until Monday, so that's all I got for now.

Now I have this fear that I'm going to start spotting again, like the wand might have irritated some stuff down there or something.  But I'm trying to remind myself that ultrasounds do not cause miscarriages!

Whew.  I should probably feel/sound more excited, right?  I'm just still so nervous!

I'm finally starting my part time job this afternoon, so that should help me keep my mind off of being anxious, hopefully.  I'm doing some office work for a DJ and event lighting company.  Then tomorrow I have a catering gig, basically just hosting some buffet stations, nothing too strenuous.  At least I'll have a little extra money coming in this week, god knows we're gonna need it!


  1. Yay! Congratulations! I have been praying so hard for you!!! I am so thrilled that you got to see your little one and see his or her heartbeat! I know you are still nervous (hell, I am still nervous and I have a 2 year old walking around), but I hope your fears are eased just a tinge! xoxo

  2. I'm glad your update was so good! It is really, really hard not to freak out constantly in the first trimester (and for me, even beyond). So just do what you need to do to stay sane.

  3. YAY! I am so excited for you! I don't know if you noticed, but I actually wrote a blog and at the end told you how many prayers I've said for you.... Those prayers shall continue for you! :)

  4. YAY!!! What a huge relief! I've been so nervous for you, so you shouldn't have been very nervous... ;0)

    Only 4 more weeks until the 2nd tri - it will be here before you know it!

  5. Oh my goodness a real live human baby!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!

  6. OH hell yeah I say!

    If it helps to know, I stayed nervous the whole pregnancy, so feeling nervous is totally normal.

    XOXOXO COngrats!!!!

  7. Oh Kitty!!!!!!!!!! I'm all smiles right now. Best news ever!! Congratulations.

  8. YAY!!! You've made it farther than me which is an accomplishment LOL ;) I've heard that after suffering m/c's you worry non-stop the whole PG, but I hope you will become more relaxed as this PG progresses into your 2nd tri.


    Keep us posted Mama!! xoxox Jen


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