

Just some stuff

15 weeks and not much to report.  I apologize that this blog went from infertility to practically nothing to -BAM- pregnancy.  But there just isn't much else going on in my life these days!

Well, there isn't nothing else, I will supposedly be starting a new job in the next week or so.  Some friends of Hubs' and mine have an internet company and they've been talking about me filling this position they've been planning on opening for months, and now the position is almost ready to be filled.  It will actually require me to utilize lots of the skills I learned in my banking career - financial records, fraud detection, document security, and a little customer service - but without being in the financial industry.  It sounds really interesting and I'm excited to get started, it just isn't entirely clear exactly when that will be.  It'll be part-time to begin with, and as long as the business continues to grow it will eventually become full-time with a better salary.  I'm not quitting the job with the DJ, but I haven't gotten nearly as many hours there as I thought I would (they haven't called me in at all in weeks) and unemployment is going to be up by the end of the year, so I really needed something else, fast!  As required by the EDD, I've been applying to jobs religiously for months and months, but I've gotten exactly NO responses from anywhere, so landing a regular ol' full time job anywhere near my past two salary ranges doesn't really look like a possibility.  Not that that's what I wanted anyway, but it's pretty disheartening to see firsthand how shitty the job market still is (despite what "they" would like you to believe), and if I was putting all my eggs in that basket I'd be legitimately screwed.  Anyway, I guess I'm lucking out that I have some things in the works that will at least help pay the bills.

Besides wondering and trying not to worry about jobs and income though, there's pregnancy.  And that part of my life is mostly fun.  I'm a lot less tired these days (and my house is much cleaner) and the nausea has settled down to just occasional gagging, but now I'm discovering the all-new joys of the second trimester.  I still don't think I'm showing, and that this little bulge in my belly is mainly due to constipation because it shrinks and grows according to how "regular" I am.  But lately when it's on the bigger side it looks more like a bump than bloat, so maybe I am starting to show.  My clothes still fit though (as long as I hook a rubber band around the button on my jeans instead of actually buttoning them).  I also have this excess mucous production in my sinuses that I wasn't even aware was a pregnancy thing, but apparently it is.  I thought I was getting sick because I was sneezing and clearing my throat and blowing my nose all the time, but nope!  Turns out it's just my little parasite reminding me she's still here.  My boobs are still sore as a motherfucker and still growing.  Whoever said they stop hurting eventually was clearly full of it.  I bought some new bras a few weeks ago and I'm already outgrowing them; at this rate I'm going to have my own bra department in my dresser by April.  At least I figure I'll be prepared when my boobs start shrinking again! 

Only two more weeks until we find out the sex!  I am still convinced it's a girl, and all the old wives and Chinese gender charts and even my friends and family who have made predictions agree with me.  I'll be really surprised if it's a boy, but honestly I don't care either way.  For a while I was so caught up in thinking it was a girl that when I tried to imagine it was a boy I thought I'd be disappointed.  But then it occurred to me that a little mini-Hubs would be so freaking awesome, there's no way I could be disappointed!  Hopefully baby cooperates when we go in for the ultrasound because I really want to know.  Cuz I really want to start registering and figuring out how to decorate her (okay, or his) room.  And ya know, cuz then I'll know my baby better and feel closer to it or something.


  1. I am so happy for you, so many changes. As for the work thing, I do hope something shows up that is fun and rewarding soon. Fingers crossed.

  2. Wow - 15 weeks already. So excited for you - glad the 2nd tri has been much more comfortable!

  3. So glad the 2nd tri is more comfortable for you - glad you've got a line on a job. Excited to find out the gender!!

  4. Congrats on the new job! Glad to hear all is well on the pregnancy - so excited for you!

  5. You will be excited no matter what the sex is. Before we found out that Aria was a girl, Bree kept saying she wanted a boy. The u/s tech said "it's a girl" & she said "Yaaay! a GIRL!" Lol! Totally ready to be excited w/you! :)


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