

Just a little update

The countdown is on!  I just wish I knew how long that countdown was going to be.  My EDD is in 10 days, but of course we know that doesn't mean much.  I could go into labor tonight or I could be waiting for another 3+ weeks!  Well, we know that, but everyone else seems to think they know better.  I've had people tell me I'll definitely be going into labor early (judging by how far I've dropped I guess), and others tell me to sit tight because I'm going to be late (judging by the fact that my mom went past her EDD with all 4 of hers, and that this is my first).  Ah, science!  It's amazing how many people turn into medical professionals when there's a pregnant lady in their midst.

I've been spending a lot of time overanalyzing every little twinge and hoping it means labor is nigh.  In reality, though, I have no signs of impending labor.  At my doctor's appointment on Monday they'll check me for dilation for the first time, woo!  Here's hoping for some progress!

Nothing much else has been going on; I am the epitome of boring.  I'm still working but not doing a whole lot other than that.  There's still a few things left to do baby-wise, number one on the list being to pack my hospital bag!  Yeah, yeah, the procrastination never ends with me.  But her room is more or less ready and we have everything we need to start raising a baby human.  Including some super cute new outfits that I couldn't resist buying last week!  I already had enough clothes for the first few months, but I hadn't picked any of them out myself with the exception of her coming home outfit.  So I just had to buy a few things and put my own touch on her wardrobe, and I'm so glad I did.  It was really fun.

So yep, that's about it!  Keep your fingers crossed for a delivery that's sooner rather than later, and I'll keep you posted. :)


  1. Good Luck Kitty! I am so happy for you! I can't wait to hear all about your sweet little girl!!

  2. Here's hoping it's sooner, but whenever it is, it will be here before you know it!

  3. Thinking of you as you near the end!!!


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