

Jobs and heat and cold

So I have a second interview tomorrow that I'm a little anxious about. The first interview went really well and was actually super easy, and tomorrow I meet with the hiring manager. It seems like a really nice place to work, but it's the same commute I had been doing for about 6 years before I got laid off, which I am not thrilled about. That's my main concern about the job, but the reality is there's not much available any more locally than that.

On the bright side I've been working a lot with my dad on expanding his business. If our efforts pay off I'll be able to work full time for him, which really means working from home taking orders and doing administrative stuff, and weekends filling orders. Eventually he would like to pass the business on to me when he retires too. So I'm making that my end goal. Whatever job I take right now is "temporary" in my mind because I'm doing whatever I can to grow my dad's business until I'm making enough money to quit. I really hope that happens sooner rather than later, but I'm guessing realistically it will be at least a year or more.

In other news it's hot as balls here lately. Apparently we're beating all kinds of heat records in our area, which is super fun when you don't have AC, let me tell you. Today is the first day in a few days that it has been cool enough to even stay home (it's like 90 today). Supposedly tomorrow will be a lot cooler, and I'm praying to every god I can think of that it stays that way for the rest of the year. I'm so sick of autumn heat waves! Seems they've been nonstop since the end of summer and I am ready to put away my flip flops and sundresses already and stop having to shave my legs for a few months!

We've also been fighting colds and coughs nonstop around here. Max came down with an ear infection and when we went to the doctor yesterday we discovered that Cadence had one too! They've each had a cough for at least 2 weeks (and so have I), so I'm hoping the antibiotics finally knock it out. I just don't understand why these sicknesses seem to linger all the time lately. I hate giving them antibiotics and I wouldn't if it was just a cold, but with the ear infections I figure we have to. We go to a large family practice and the doctor we've been seeing lately seems to jump to antibiotics every time we visit. Next time we go for a checkup I think I'm going to talk to our regular pediatrician about it and see why that is.

Yeah so not much of interest happening in my life. I've noticed that my party planning posts have gotten lots of hits since I posted them on Pinterest; unfortunately I can't afford to plan any parties right now! I have tons of ideas too. I would love to do a kids' Halloween party someday, and a vintage Christmas party. Last year we hosted Friendsgiving and that was a big hit. Maybe it would be fun to write some posts about the parties I want to throw until I can actually afford to throw one. That will ease the itch and give me something to do when I need to hide from my kids for a few minutes! (Yes that's what I'm doing right now.)


  1. I saw the news talking about the heat in CA, I can't imagine. When we picked up Connor from Riverside in September 2012, there were record breaking temperatures and not having a/c sucked!! I remember Chris telling me that all the VRBO's weren't listing A/C after we arrived. I said "that's nonsense, who doesn't have a/c?" OMG that was a reality check. We spent the hours of 11-4 somewhere that had A/C.

    How amazing to work for your dad though! I hope it works out for you!

  2. So, you do t have A/C?!?! Don't you live in CA?!?!? Holy what, 90 degrees was cool enough to stay home, with no A/C?!?! O.M.G. I would DIE. I'm on the east coast, and Once it hits like 75 outside we turn it on, at least to cool it off upstairs, but once it's 80 it's pretty much on all day. If it's humid out forget it, I don't care if it's 60 degrees we run it. I can't stand being hot.

  3. Oh P.S. Fingers crossed you got the job!!

  4. I have to LOL. AC is such a luxury here and the common belief in this area is that it's not needed. Except for these rare weeks where you seriously do want to die. We really don't get weather like this very often, although it's been getting more frequent over the past few years it seems. And we don't get humidity with the heat thankfully. Today we are down to the high 70's and it's downright pleasant!! But the hubs and I are starting to consider installing AC as soon as we can afford it!


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